lorem ipsum

I just miss when the show was that fun, underrated sci-fi series for people who liked Community and Futurama, albeit with more raunchiness. Now it seems like every conversation about the show is about how awful some of its fans are (and oh boy, some of them are, but still). 

This episode stepped away from a lot of the edgy stuff Season 3 was doing in favor of Rick and Morty classic, and I hope the toxic fandom recedes into the waves this year. Maybe that’ll help.

I was skeptical when the show was renewed for 70 more episodes, as I wasn’t the biggest fan of the third season, but this was a fantastic premiere. Best jokes for me were the alternating universes Rick kept getting sent to. The back-to-basics approach really worked well.

The jokes aren’t even the biggest problem for me now. The show is just quite dull now. While I think they’ll stick the landing, they’ve dragged out the resolution for so long I’m not as invested as I would have been. And yeah, the pacing has been really, really off. Nothing happens for the first 7 episodes, and then

I loved the show at first because it was fast-paced, funny to an extreme degree, insightful, and had Ted Danson in it. Comedies comedic edge often dull over time, and compounded with the endless resets which erase any real character development for the core four.....and Im not surprised Ive struggled with the show q

Ok? Good for you.

Well, it’s a comedy, so I too miss the old version. I’m not upset about it, but it is a significantly lesser show to me now. It happens.

I can’t really remember the last time The Good Place made me laugh a lot.

The twist at the end was great-up until that point, this was just so-so. Not quite as funny as the show’s been before. But holy cow, I can’t wait to what happens next now!

I thought there were several points in the episode when it wasn’t necessary-while I guess that might have been true with “Runtime Error” as well, I thought it was better made and more exciting. Overall, they were both “gimmicky”, and neither method was strictly speaking necessary. 

Well, it’s hard to beat the other two, to be fair. Especially as it’s a network procedural, comparisons will arise.

Not as bad as that time there was an Arrow episode called “Fighting Fire with Fire”, and they had the line, “If you fight fire with fire, you risk getting burned” said three times.

Justified had some of the best dialogue of any show, ever.

Also, technically we can count Michael Emerson as being in 3 great roles-Lost finished in 2010, and Evil started a few months ago (and I hear it’s good), but they still count! POI being his main selling point this decade of course.

Agree 100%. 

Yes. The man’s a modern-day Beethoven. Or is that Hans Zimmer? 

For some reason, I’m still enjoying this season a lot, even though I agree with the grades and sentiment on here.

Just wanna point out that this is the first grade above a B+ Arrow’s received since “Lian Yu”. Yes, yes, grades don’t mean anything, but it’s still interesting to note.

Lol, this is the Arrowverse. When they want to go for a theme, they bludgeon you to death with it. It’s something, though a little subtlety might go a long way.

Gimmick, I think. It didn’t really feel organic to the story, unlike “Runtime Error”.