lorem ipsum

I disagree. They both call Joe ‘dad’, and viewed each other like siblings growing up-that’s how I interpreted it in the pilot, anyway. It’s not weird to point it out that it’s an odd situation, nor am I obsessing over it.

And again, no. Those are perfectly valid reasons to dislike them. I have calmly and rationally explained my POV, and you have regurgitated the same nonsense-you’re a troll. Good day.


Yeah, it takes a fun, lighthearted source and treats it like Manchester by the Sea. It just doesn’t work, and it’s extremely frustrating how they can’t let it go for more than a few episodes.

But it had Diane’s Bjorn Borg costume, the best Halloween costume ever. Also, it was really neat structurally, and one of the funniest episodes overall (or so I remember).

No, I’m not. I’m not even that upset about it (it’s a B tier superhero series, and ultimately just a tv show), since it’s not a big part of the show-but they simply don’t have chemistry-not to mention them being brother and sister, which makes it even weirder. So I simply don’t enjoy them as an on-screen couple.

This show can’t do interpersonal drama. It just can’t.

It’s been done really well in other shows. I noticed those that pull it off successfully are those that don’t focus on it that much-they let the death slip into the background, and bring it back in full force at the end of the season for maximum impact. But you’re right, it bogged down Season 3, and it’s starting to

Oliver’s probably going to be the one who actually dies during Crisis (though it’s only episode 8 of the season-really wondering how this is going to pan out), and he’s being less of a downer than Barry right now. It’s giving me Season 3 vibes, which is not great (one of the very worst seasons of the Arrowverse

Yeah, they totally ruined her character. Maybe even worse than Arrow flubbed Black Canary. At least they paired the main character with the person he had the most chemistry with. Here, they steadfastly stuck the course with Barry/Iris, and it’s still feels off. There’s no spark between the two of them, and there never

Another solid outing, though I have to say I’m relieved we’re moving out of Season 3 territory and the season hasn’t been de-railed. Hopefully the show leaves Season 4 well alone.

Joe has always been awesome. Not even turgid melodrama or pep talks can ruin his character.

Also, superheroes tend to lock villains up without due process anyway. 

I disagree with your perceptions of the fantasy genre as a whole. A good work of fantasy will not be filled with plot holes, contrivances, binary morality (remember-Frodo failed in the Lord of the Rings), and thoughtless writing. Game of Thrones wasn’t good fantasy in the end, of course, but the whole genre isn’t like

Yeah, that really says a lot about their writing style. 

Still holds up.

So is Clone Wars.

He was just as lukewarm on last season’s “Mr. Peanutbutter’s Boos”. I disagreed with him there and here as well-loved this episode.

I get that, and I’ve seen plenty of others mention the same thing. That being said, I was kind of baffled at the mixed-to-negative reactions the AV Club seemed to have to Season 5. I thought that, besides being expertly executed (which allows me to overlook the repetition) it was as devastating, hilarious, and rich as

Already is a legendary run. Even if it stumbles at the finish line (which I doubt), it will easily still be one of the best shows ever made.