lorem ipsum

Agreed! I wish they would pay her to review Season 1 at some point.

Reese and Fusco made this episode.

I think Michael Emerson is booked at the moment with his new show Evil. Would love it if they did bring him back though.

That would have been fantastic! But I suppose if the Arrow writers had seen Person of Interest, they’d have seen flashbacks done right and felt the need for some serious introspection.....

I haven’t seen many (if any at all) shows with that form that actually pull it off. I guess you could argue Breaking Bad was kind of like that, but it had standout episodes as well.

A shame Wallace couldn’t have been hired 3 seasons ago, no?

Yeah, another commenter brought that up. They’re probably right.

It’s a weird feeling, isn’t it?

Well, that’s deeply unfortunate, if that is the case.

BoJack Horseman is one of the decade’s very best series, and in my humble opinion, the best show made for a streaming service ever. It’s hilarious, it’s cutting, it’s devastating, it’s hopeful. Since the second half of Season 1, it has almost never put a single foot wrong. It utilizes long-form storytelling well, but

I’m gonna go ahead and blame Poe’s Law (not that your position was extreme, but still-hard to tell sarcasm online).

It was, by the way. And the dreadful flashback story certainly didn’t help Season 3.

They can’t really skip over Season 2, can they? That’s Arrow’s best season! I would expect the ‘Season 2 episode’ to be the best episode of the season.

It definitely wasn’t as good as the terrific season premiere, but it was centered around one of Arrow’s worst ever story-lines in the Hong Kong stuff, so I’m not really surprised. They still managed to make a good episode out of it. I am really digging where this show is going this year-it and The Flash seem to have

Are they seriously bringing Diaz back?

This was a solid, fun episode. This is the most I’ve consistently enjoyed The Flash in years. The last 4 seasons have had so many problems in structure, tone, and villain characterization it would take ages to list them all. I’m glad the series seems to be working out a lot of the kinks. It might finally be a good

And I complete disagree with *that*. I find most of the ‘Earth character work’ segments on this show to be quite mediocre. Jason happens to be the weakest example of that as well. Any idea can sound compelling on paper, but it’s all down to execution. And the execution didn’t work for me.

If this season of Supergirl is going to morph into 90s era Trek, let’s hope it emulates DS9, not Voyager.

Eh. I didn’t feel that was strongly conveyed-and most of it was in “The Ballad of Donkey Doug”, one of the weakest episodes of the entire show. His characterization and backstory simply didn’t really work. I certainly didn’t pick up on fantastic character work and writing from that particular chapter-which, again,

Yeah not to get pulled into another pointless argument like last time, but that’s a straw-man. I’m not claiming they were “superintelligent” (and I didnt last time). But I think claiming they were all incompetent is, well, wrong. But as you say elsewhere, every other country was just as idiotic. Hence why the Allies