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Agreed, agreed. It seemed like the show was about to fulfill its potential, with the fantastic end run of Season 2 (with “The Last Dragonlord” being my personal favorite episode of the series) and the two part opener of Season 3. Unfortunately, the show resisted change, and cracks started to show in that season.

Yeah. Like Barasanti wrote-high point for superhero tv. Certainly better than anything Marvel’s ever come up with (maybe AoS Season 4).

Starred for Merlin (2008) reference. If your username is indeed a reference to it.

I did enjoy Josh Segarra hamming it up to the extreme. But I think it would have been more effective if he genuinely outmaneuvered them with cleverness rather than magically knowing everything.

Eh, you weren’t harassing me. You were just being confident in your opinion. There is a difference, and I’ve come across the former on this site plenty of times. So no worries.

I’ll grant you Flash Season 1, but I disagree that Arrow Season 2 was ‘full of filler’. Granted, I haven’t re-watched either of them, but Arrow Season 5 was mostly so-so, with flashes of greatness, but the entire mid-section was a complete dud. And it too was filled with unnecessary tangents (Ragman, Susan Williams,

And Seasons 3 and 4.

All it took for Arrow to capitalize on its potential was a major shake-up. Which Arrow fans have known for a while-that’s why it was so frustrating seeing so many seasons spin their wheels in place.

Strongly agree-except for the flash-forwards. Just.....why?

Yes, regular coverage is back! Nice to see you back on it, Allison.

I’m ok with a Joe West pep-talk. He gives the best pep-talks out of anyone in the show.

Now playing

Yes. They would have avoided repeating themselves, and done something pretty unique. Yes, there’s a B:TAS episode called The Demon’s Quest, but Batman turned it down there as well. They had a chance to break out of the mold, and they really missed a trick. Oh, yeah, and the flashbacks that season? The less said about

Season 3 could have been awesome if Oliver accepted the offer early in the season, and the rest of the season dealt with that.

Depends. For this season, it really was just the finale that was good. So it doesn’t really change anything for me. Had it improved in the second half or something, it’d be one thing. It’s an art, not a science, but I can’t call a season with 1 good episode out of 10 satisfying. I’d rather have a good season

I’m really curious to see how Saul’s story wraps up-it has to be extremely dramatic, right? No way Jimmy and Kim’s story ends happily.

Absolutely true!

I was worried that this would feel unnecessary. But the more I think about, the more it makes sense. Definitely excited to watch this.

It feels to me that the whole plot of trying to make four people better is just the plot from Season 1 without the danger or the novelty. Your comment was about trying to make the four better. So I felt it was relevant.

So the season is just Season 1, but worse. 

The John stuff was.....fine I suppose, but that part of the episode didn’t really click with me. Obviously Eleanor making Chidi squirm was more interesting.