lorem ipsum

That would be a very nice sendoff for Shipp.

1 really good season, 1 mixed bag, and 3 rough seasons. Not a great track record. 

Seasons 2-5 are pretty entertaining. Is it good? Yes. Is it as good as Buffy, Angel, or The X-Files? Hell no.

It is not as good as Buffy. Not by a long shot. It basically has no supporting cast and it repeats the same character beats over and over again. It’s also not as good as The X-Files at its best. However, if you really like fantasy/horror, it might be worth watching the first five seasons (Season 1 is very rough). 

Eh. Season 1 sucked.

YES. The fact that they kept killing off their good supporting characters is a major reason why the series struggled so much in nits middle years-they had nowhere to go with the mythology or the characters they had left.

Seasons 9 and 10 sucked. I’m also not a fan of Seasons 1 and 7. The rest are all pretty good, at the least.

Strongly disagree regarding Angel. At the end of its Season 4 (which was paced far worse than this Season 4), it mind-wiped most of its characters’ memories, and Season 5 basically acted like the previous two seasons never happened. This show did a *much* better job at telling one long story.

I guess that’s what happens when you gut your comments section with an awful redesign.

They’ve ruined it, man! Being a Rick and Morty fan is a little spoiled now thanks to the dregs of reddit.

Good point.

I’m watching this as well. Legends has descended into pure farce, and Arrow and The Flash have devolved into endless repetition. This might be the only one of the Arrowverse shows I watch this year. I just hope they have some sort of idea of when they want to wrap it up, so they can avoid that slump that inevitably

I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.

That’s a good point. I can definitely see it. Brent is like a louder, more obnoxious version of Jason. I just hope Brent gets shuffled in the background, like Jason. I like Jason in small doses, not when he takes center stage (“The Ballad of Donkey Doug” is one of my least favorite episodes of the whole series). The

So far, the show hasn’t brought any depth to him yet, or explored any of the ideas that you mentioned. It would be interesting if they did.

I thought it was the final test, of sorts, for the show. I could be wrong, though-they could change course. It would seem odd to introduce them and place so much focus on them now (Brent mostly in this episode), only to discard them halfway through the season.

It also nicely sets up his big part in the story-he attempts to kill Quinn anyway, despite Finch’s best efforts to convince him otherwise. This is such a good episode of television-you can see how much thought and care went into almost every single aspect of it. It’s one of my all time favorites. 

He has no positive qualities whatsoever. He’s just a caricature of ‘bad middle-aged white man’. It’s not inaccurate (just go anywhere on the internet), but less interesting than Tahani even at the start, who was established to have been a philanthropist, even if she was unbearably stuck up. There’s no indication that

I was really excited for the sequel to Yooka Laylee next week. It’s a 2d platformer, which I love. I was ready to buy it on Steam-turns out it’s only on the Switch.

Sounds like this is a great game. Damn!