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Not much, but the difference is they didn’t build a season around any of them. It seems like the entire point of this season is to make these new 4 into good people.

I love Chidi and William Jackson Harper’s brilliant performance. Hope he gets a lot of work after this.

Season 3 lacked focus. It changed course a half-dozen times, in comparison to Season 2, which moved at the speed of a bullet train while not losing sight of the characters or end goal. 

She said in an interview that she might take a break from acting after this to focus on her home life (she has two young children at home). Talk about ending on a high note!

It’s not a lack of faith, it’s a desire for a more three dimensional character, which he very much is not. I suppose comedies can get a lot of mileage out of a 2d one. I just find it less interesting.

The comments for this episode are hilarious. One of them said “A+-best episode of anything ever”. Ya know, that’s pretty much how I feel about this episode.

Season 5 was the last really good season of The Office. Every season after that ranges from decent (7) to mediocre (6 and 9) to downright abysmal (8).


Hilarious, and so much better than its Season 7 predecessor.

Be glad you never saw them! They’re so wrong it’s hilarious-I don’t mind criticizing a show as it’s airing, but they actually made predictions that it would never get better.

The first half of season three is great-this episode in particular is incredible. The second half somehow tops it.

I think you were right about Season 3. 

Oh wow, that was bad. I’m pretty shocked at the positive reception this has been getting from critics like Allison Shoemaker and Emily Vanderwerff. Your last sentence summed up this season so far pretty well. Why did they have to ruin Season 1's reputation by lumping it in with this?

They could at least put up a discussion page for the tv shows they’ve dropped. Of course, they won’t, but they could.

I’m quite curious to know what you think of the final two seasons.

Ha. That’s a good point. Unfortunately, they don’t do ‘handicaps’. Which of course, is one of the system’s major flaws-pretty much no nuance to it at all. I agree with you about the other three. Chidi pretty much accomplished nothing in his time on Earth due to his indecisiveness, whereas Tahani might have left a

That makes sense, intellectually. But that’s not really what the show aimed for in the season three finale, with the cheesy montages and all.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen the entire series yet, so I’ll just say that I think Collier, as a character, was handled better than the villains in The Dark Knight Rises.

I wish there was a rival of some sorts to the AV Club-even with them cutting many of their shows they’re the best tv-reviewing site by far. Maybe if there was some competition they’d cut fewer.

Id watch Michael Emerson talk to a computer screen. Oh, wait. Already did, and it was amazing! The man can do no wrong. And many people hes worked with called him one of the nicest people theyve ever met. Awesome actor, awesome man.