lorem ipsum

I still have to watch that. 

They’re dodging the Season 4 curse!

Ah, my favorite nonsense show is back. That was the most unnecessarily long wait for a tv show that I like in a long time.

This is the best film headline the AV Club’s ever had.

DS9, pacing-wise and stylistically, felt like the other Treks around it. This feels different. Which I’m fine with in theory-franchises need to evolve in order to stay relevant. But different isn’t always better, and last season was really dire. There have been some legitimately solid episodes this season, but some of

Great finale. Great show. It kind of lost me in Season 3, but the final season was amazing. Definitely one of the stronger comedies of this decade (Classic Arrested Development is still the king of this century for me, but that’s neither here nor there).

It was on FX, which never gets ratings that are astronomically high. Even for that channel, it was pretty low-rated, sometimes dipping below 1 million. Miracle it lasted six seasons.

I thought it was interesting how someone on the staff watches The Americans.

Oh, it’s just the tip of the iceberg of problems this show has. But I might be more forgiving of those other flaws (such as consistency) if the drama was actually compelling and not just two people arguing dramatically about nothing.

I hate the way the show handles drama in general. It’s almost always forced and contrived.

The wig will live on forever.

Even this DC show can go bad? That’s just sad. I thought this one was safe.

Don’t I get a cookie?”

We’ll always have Bojack…...

Also, I don’t get how the show loses the company money. Their revenue is based on subscription money, not ad revenue. I doubt many people are signing up for Netflix to watch One Day at a Time...but the same could be said about many of their programs. Who knows, I haven’t looked at their finances.

Exactly. This show always shines when it just plays to its strengths-action. It falters when it gets bogged down in nonsensical, tired ethical debates and false drama.

I think you’re right-his shows portray aspects of America as we wish they were, not as they actually are. I think that’s why they resonate with people so strongly.

Exactly. Legends is nonsense, but its nonsense at its absolute best.

Live action for sure. If we include animated series, it’s a different story. But Arrow Season 2 is still the best season of the Arrowverse for me, and a high point for the medium as a whole.

Live action for sure. If we include animated series, it’s a different story. But Arrow Season 2 is still the best season of the Arrowverse for me, and a high point for the medium as a whole.