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Fair enough. There’s still no excuse for not doing a Rogue-Centric season.

Yeah, and to be fair to the writers, it does probably hinder the storytelling. But it is possible to make a good, (if not great) show here, as Season 1 showed. It’s just mind-boggling how they’ve failed 4 times in a row to make the show even ‘pretty good’ like Season 1.

I have a lot of respect for the special effects team on The Flash. Unlike the writers, they always seem to do the best with what they have.

Ouch. Tough but fair. 

I thought it was a fun episode-minus the usual angsty nonsense in the first half. But I do have to wonder how much better it could’ve been with a better budget. Or if it was animated (see Young Justice).

Back in the 70s, Neal Adams and Denny O’Neil had a run where they paired up Green Arrow and Green Lantern. It was extremely political.

-I know grades don’t matter, but half the season has gotten an A so far. That’s pretty impressive for Brooklyn 99, which is generally very good and funny but rarely truly great.

Sadly, the dog actor who played the original Bear (Seasons 2-3) died last July.

I am not Latoya Ferguson, or an AV Club reviewer, but I do check this comment section from time to time for fun. I love reading comments like this.

It sounds like you’re watching The Expanse.

Or even the homage to “Cause and Effect” in the Buffy episode “Life Serial” (not a great episode, but that portion of it was). Things don’t make sense because the writers on the show generally don’t pay attention to detail. I can sympathize with them to a certain amount, as it would probably be a logistical nightmare

I think a fairer comparison than Russian doll is to the Legends of Tomorrow time loop episode. Not that comparisons are really great ways of analyzing tv episodes (or anything else for that matter), but I think it’s appropriate in this case. The Flash’s version was fun, and I’m glad the show isn’t completely awful

I’m one of those people who doesn’t really mind cliches and re-used material if it’s well executed enough.

I totally understand this point. And yet, I have found most of the Doug Judy episodes hilarious. Probably due to Craig Robinson. This one was a clunker though.  

The previous C+ this season was pretty bad. This was not great either-definitely not close to the show at its best. I think that Latoya is extremely accurate with her reviews and grades.

The previous C+ this season was pretty bad. This was not great either-definitely not close to the show at its best. I think that Latoya is extremely accurate with her reviews and grades.

In my opinion, the show only got better after this.

People are still discovering this wonderful show? Awesome.

Thanks for the tip. I’ll watch out for that account in the future.

No worries. It would be boring if we agreed on everything. At least we agree on the important thing-this season is dead last. It had extremely low lows, and its highs didnt even come close to matching the highs of previous seasons. I think the fact that the 13th Doctor is the first female Doctor was used to hide the s