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I wouldn’t say it’s bad, but it’s not really clicking for me yet. I’m thinking maybe they just set the bar so high-on paper this show shouldn’t work at all. It sounds monstrously difficult to write. And yet, by some miracle, they pulled it off not once, but twice. Third time doesn’t seem to be the charm. 

Season 2 was better than Season 1 in my opinion.(Loved both).

I really liked this episode. It still wasn’t *quite* great, but I thought it was well paced, interesting, and moving. 

“ I still think BoJack Horseman is the best show on television, and that’s all they traffic in.”

Well, I love the Capaldi era, but I get it’s not for everyone. You’re still correct in that a ‘back to basics’ approach can work if done well. Series 10 in fact did it better, despite the fact that no one watched it. Compare this week’s episode to “Oxygen”. 

The fact that this season has been really weak so far hasn’t helped. 

A B indicates above average. I’d grade all of them in the C range, except for “Rosa”, which I would give a B+. 

Its very bland and pedestrian, which in some ways is a bigger sin than being an ambitious failure. None of the episodes besides “Rosa have really reached for the stars-and I dont think Rosa quite lived up to its ambitions.

The Ghost Monument, Arachnids in the UK, and this episode were quite subpar imo, and definitely below the baseline of what I want a series of Doctor Who to have.

Actually, I dont think his dialogue is as good as RTDs or Moffats. I think Rosa was his strongest because he was a co-writer. 

I don’t want to keep being negative, but man, I wish Chibnall would let someone else write episodes. He just isn’t that great at it. Were 5 episodes in, and there hasn’t been a great episode yet (I liked Rosa a lot-didn’t love it). Not a great track record for a 10 episode series.

I’m not saying that there isn’t such an overarching grand scheme that will, once more, reshape The Good Place and knock us on our collective asses.”

The last time I disliked episodes like these on a consistent basis was circa Season 4, where the episodes were just a bit too weird for me. This one was just forced and unfunny, which is very unusual for Sunny. Even weak episodes usually have a few really good laughs.

“Frank’s Brother”. But yes, another weak episode. As is par for the course with Sunny, this season is a mix of greatness and mediocrity. Sunny seems like one of the toughest sitcoms to write-they have to get the balance almost perfect. 

Or somehow bring back Thawne-Wells from S1. That’ll never happen, but it’s the best case scenario. 

As long it stays out of ‘unbearably depressing, poorly-written slog’ or ‘cringeworthy, poorly written farce’ mode, we should be in good shape. 

Cant argue with that. I still can’t believe they chose to pair Barry with her, when he had more chemistry with literally anyone else: Felicity, Caitlin, Patty, and Linda.

Well, Im pretty sure Legends will maintain its quality. The other three could fall off a cliff (it certainly wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened to an Arrowverse show), but at the very least they have potential to be very good. It’s all down to execution.

Also, Arrow Season 7 is shaping up well in general. Could this be the year that all four shows deliver?

Man I missed Legends of Tomorrow. “Riotous is basically this show in a nutshell post-S1, and I’m more than okay with that. This was a great premiere. Despite the slashed ensemble, the groups chemistry still works, and even the main plot is shaping up well. Is this now the best superhero show on tv?