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Is this a specific comment about Legends of Tomorrow? Because Legends of Tomorrow is awesome.

Bojack and The Good Place are definitely the best shows on tv. 

That being said though, I actually really liked this finale and season.

The first 6 episodes of Season 1 were amazing. The show never quite recaptured that. 

Apparently though, it starts off really sluggish. Hopefully that means the back half is fast paced and action packed. I doubt it, but I can hope.

I agree with everything except for the idea that “The Gang Turns Black” was a good episode. I thought it was one of the weakest Sunny episodes in the entire run.

I liked both those episodes more than the two first Series 11 episodes.

The thing that worries me is that Chibnall has set up a traditional writers’ room, meaning hell have more influence on the series as a whole.

I think Chibnall’s dialogue is weak compared to Moffat’s and Davies’s. The dialogue on Supergirl must be *really* bad!

I feel like RTD used the “And The There Were None” type episodes the most.

So, it’ll be easy not to make it tasteless?

I am also really liking 13. There were still a couple moments when she seemed to be trying to emulate Tennant, but I like her best when shes doing her own thing.

Another pretty decent episode. The characters worked better in this one, and the ending scene in the TARDIS was great.

Team Arrow will be wheeling Oliver out of the Arrow cave in a wheelchair. 

A great premiere. Lets keep the reviews alive!

Compared to The Eleventh Hour, which was a slam dunk, this episode is solid rather than spectacular. But that’s fine-Doctor Who premiers are rarely the highlight of a season.

“Blink”. Well actually, I saw a bit of “Rose”, was bored, and later saw “Blink” by accident.

They never quite got the balance right again. Series 5 is without a doubt the best season.

This is either my favorite or second favorite season. I agree with those ratings. 

And all 3 of those shows became fantastic when they did that. I can name far more comedies that became more cartoonish (and worse) over time-The Office, Parks and Recreation, The Simpsons.