lorem ipsum

I’d go:

I wouldn’t call his behavior “apalling”. I think he’s just an asshole.

I’d go:

8/10 episodes were As or A-s...totally a “mixed bag”.

THAT’S how do you a mid-season finale. This episode was the perfect blend of silliness, heart, and superhero action. Exactly what I want from a comic book superhero tv show.

B-99 always hits these ‘event’ episodes out of the park.

I haven’t missed her.....like at all!

Apu has been shown to be a smart, hardworking man who loves his family and treats them extremely well. Apu’s a freakin’ boss! I’m sure there are worse examples of stereotypes on tv.

Or just Republican sheep who would vote Republican even if the candidate was a chimpanzee.

Maybe even moreso actually.

Too true.

But I assume you have no problem when the writers put the same level of characterization into straight relationships?


*Nothing wrong with Legends of Tomorrow since Season 2*. There, fixed it. I don’t really have any major problems with the show currently.

That would be *quite* impressive if he did.

Exactly. They shouldn’t judge it as a three part event at all. They don’t even have the normal intros. And to be honest, I’ve found this crossover to be a huge improvement over last year’s. Seeing these characters interact is gold. I wish they’d merge at least a couple of these shows together.

They, like most tv critics get screeners. I’m not entirely sure how they work, but basically a critic gets to see certain episodes in advance.

For me, Legends of Tomorrow is the only show right now that consistently rises above ‘pretty decent’.

The Deathstroke season was really good imo.

Punisher methinks. The Arrow gun control episode was about as bad as ‘message’ episodes get.