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They barely freakin’ used him! Such a waste. He was a great Captain Cold.

The only explanation I can think of is that she’s a villain in the New 52. But then they should have just written some shades of grey into her character to begin with if they knew they wanted to make her a villain down the road. It would also have made her a lot more interesting.

That’s true. But I’m really digging this season in particular so far.

Depends what you mean by overrated. I thought it was a solid B+/A- season, which is what the A.V. Club basically said when they reviewed the first season as a whole.

That doesn’t disprove my point that the show peaked in the first season and went downhill from there...


When Boyle called his son a basic bitch, I died.

This show is forking amazing. One of the best on tv. Hilarious and original-a rare combo.

I liked it more than Scott did, but man this show is turning into the definition of a one hit wonder just like Heroes.

I think the film’s main message is that it’s only when being yourself that you reach your own potential, and not worry about what others think.

It’s not that unhealthy, but it’s usually done over an extended period of time, NOT in like 2 months.

Yeah, the show’s been straining for laughs all season. The problem is, the Flash writers have been writing mopey nonsense for so long, they forgot how to properly balance the humor with seriousness. I’d still take this over “Abra Kadabra” or “The Wrath of Savitar” though.

Also, they should NOT have gotten rid of Peter. He was by far the funniest character.

I really enjoyed the first three seasons, but the show lost me in the middle of the fourth.

Maybe judging it by the standards of early Battlestar Galactica is too high a bar, but it doesn’t even come close by that metric. On its own, it’s ....fine I guess. Not great, but not terrible either (except for the new Klingon design, which is the worst thing ever.)

I knew it would be a fun comment section as soon as I saw the headline for the review.

Season 5 was a big improvement, and I expect Season 6 will be too with Michael freakin’ Emerson as the villain. But, you can hardly blame him for bailing. Seasons 3 and 4 were pretty awful.

What will really determine the season’s quality is the Thinker. Thawn was brilliant in Season 1, but Savitar and Zoom were pretty terrible. But, the filler episodes so far this season have been really fun.

Scott Tobias gave The Wire Season 5 straight A’s back in 2008. If you ask me though, it really didn’t deserve it at all.

That’s true. Technically, the show was serialized the moment Snow and Stanton showed up. It was also intellectually stimulating in a way no other show has been. The Wire is a fascinating piece of social commentary, but its goal was to inform us, not make us think. As a result, I often felt the show was didactic and