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They had Geoff Johns at first, don’t know what happened to that. But yeah, all these shows could use a new writing team. One that understands the basic mechanics of a good television show. Ya know, unimportant stuff that The Flash can’t be bothered with like complex characters and tight plotting.

Seriously. It doesn’t make a single misstep. Every joke and plot twist lands exactly as intended. This is easily one of the top 10 Brooklyn 99 episodes in my opinion.

Perhaps high stakes was the wrong word. The main plot of the episode was enjoyable for the most part. I meant baggage and complexity that naturally builds up among a cast. The mark of a good show is when it feels like everyone’s changed together, or at least feels like a well oiled machine. Buffy’s fourth season is a

Which is funny, because anyone who’s ever read a Flash comic could tell you what the proper tone is for a FLash tv show. Why it took the writers two years to figure that out is just beyond me. There’s no excuse, other than that they’re terrible writers who should be fired. Season 4 so far is more bearable because it’s

This is the “Halloween Surprise” episode of Brooklyn 99. Though hopefully this season turns out better than Parks S5.

Is there a woman that Sara *doesn’t* have sexual tension with nowadays?

“It feels like Barnum is a mouthpiece for the writers of this series in this moment, explaining why this show opts to be as fun as possible rather than striving for more complex storytelling.”

Back in Season 1 and on Legends right now, the fun feels/felt effortless. Not really the case here. It’s not at all natural for the show to go super dark to super light, just like with Arrow last season. What is with these CW superhero writers not understanding what tone works best for their show? Also, 4 seasons in a

It kinda feels like BSG, only not nearly as good as the first three seasons.

Hey, I like The Shield’s theme song!

She seems like she’s trying too hard to be eeeeeeevil at times though. She doesn’t have that campy villain performance nailed the way Wentworth Miller does.

So true. The Justified theme is awful.

It’s all about those clicks. None of their political articles have any thought put into them. Also, though that comment is quite fucked up, I don’t think there are any grounds to block it. The only reason it’s ‘featured’ is because he commented first.

Funnily enough, on my crazy list of wants and things I would do if I was super rich and powerful, sexual harassing women doesn’t appear. I’d probably put a jacuzzi in my bedroom or something. But that’s just me.

I have no idea why this show is fun, but damn it’s a hell of a good time! It’s probably down to the absence of angsty melodrama that you get on the other CW superhero shows. It’s not that they’re ‘dark’ per se, they just confuse darkness with mopiness. Legends knows what it is and commits to it. A show about a gang of

Pro tip: don’t let strangers that you know nothing about affect your enjoyment of a tv show.

If they were truly as smart as Rick, they’d be in another dimension! lol

Well, what I mean is that even my favorite comedies have episodes that are straight up unfunny or unpleasant. I don’t think B-99 has ever had an episode like that.

I wasn’t trying to diminish its depth, but some people read too much into Rick’s behavior.

Not sure if you’re referring to me, but there’s nothing wrong with criticizing episodes written by female writers. Unless you’re being vindictive or harassing people, which I wasn’t. Of course it’s a team effort, making my comment admittedly foolish, but still...