
They are when they come after 75 miles of already 80mph driving in very low temps. That’s a charging stop for sure - or a massive change to driving style on rural interstates where the semis are regularly cruising at 80mph+ (and possibly praying to the higher power of your choice).  

I’d love one - if they tacked on another 100 miles of range.

Why are you stopping for lunch?  Grab a protein bar and some jerky and get going again.  I haven’t “stopped for lunch” on a long road run in...  a decade?  The article is about folks who are generally high mileage drivers for work.  They’re not paying me to sit around at a fast food restaurant - unless I get to my

Every other week, at least.  This last week, according to the trip computer, I did 726 miles (1168km) at an average speed of 56 mph (90km/h).  It’s currently winter here.  This was a slightly heavier week for me - normal is closer to 500-600 miles a week.  

We’re talking about high mileage drivers. They (we) are automatically not normal.

It’s absolutely relevant.

You’re assuming I’m driving my family. Many of us (in the category described by the article) are driving ourselves - for work, for meetings, for customers, etc. I regularly punch out 250-300 mile stretches for work without stopping - it’s not that hard. One bladder to manage, just go get it done.

Oh they said - when it was first announced.  $25B a year in subscription services.  

Don’t forget “won’t pay $50 a month to use the infotainment” as a reason to avoid GM too.  Fuckers.  

“Not a ch...  7500?  Huh.  Well sheeeetttt.”  

Heck, I’ve got an M550 and yeah - the steering is still a bit numb - but it’s just as described.  John Wick in a suit.  Freaking love that thing - but the N63 is dead in this gen.  

And Simon even said he thought the Disturbed version of Sound was a perfect sequel - “Ours was the warning, theirs is “you didn’t listen and it came true.””

You’re also missing the $50 a month fee to use OnStar so you can use Waze, Spotify, etc - without OnStar premium, you’re limited to bluetooth audio and a basic map.  

TBH, that may have been it.  I sold mine in 2007, and haven’t looked since about 2009.  Since then they’re rare as hen’s teeth, so...  

The ICE ones do - EV does not.  

Which is part of the problem.  I had a JK - want it back badly.  I drove a JL.  Not what I wanted.  I buy Jeeps either in the Lux category (96 GC, 84 Grand Wagoneer) or the Utility category (87 Cherokee, 2016 Wrangler).  The JL is a cross - not interested.  Too expensive for a utility beast, don’t need the fancy.  

RE: The Lightning.  It’s stupid expensive, it’s huge, and the crossover between people that want EVs and want full-size pickups is going to be a limited market (especially given the “sometimes I need to tow a fully laden semi” mindset that often permeates that market).  I like the looks of it, and what it can do, but

The one thing that drives me nuts on this is when they call it an added lane - because it is - but it’s only 25-50 ft long. No, after a hard right, you’re not getting up to speed in that short a distance (and generally it’s a hard curb/tree/burger king you’d run into) unless you’re driving a supercar, so it’s better

Density altitude was killer on it - even with the SC it would have still been well behind the SRT (IIRC, that got it to 230, before you lose the power).

Agreed.  The engine was wonderful - but add in density altitude, and low torque till you wrung it out - it wasn’t the best around town.  Just when you got out into the mountains and could flog it.