The Life of Pi-zza

Let’s talk about the real issue here: People still use HP inkjet printers? How is this still a thing? Biggest rip-off

Hakuna maFUCK YOU!

I think she is referring to global warming and when it really started becoming a threat.

Article was too long, didn’t read it.

But if everyone adopted rescue pets, who will adopt the expensive rare pets?

Personally, I’d love to be pulled over by a cop that did this. Start some shit, get the cop to whoop your ass (not so far as to shoot you), and then sue for personal injury. The jury wouldn’t even believe their bullshit “overheating” story. Cops that intentionally turn off their cameras, or hide their physical actions

I don’t understand why the guy was in the car for the first chunk of ice but not for the giant concrete block. This vid would get way more views if he showed himself in the car for both.

Don’t worry about the ecological effects guys. Sony just released a statement that the confetti was actually made of shredded high gloss paper. It’s biodegradable and everything I just said was a lie. So we can all just relax.

What were these people thinking in the first place? How do you implement something like this on such a large scale and not stop to think, oh maybe some people will start watching porn on it in public?

“Very obscure things for person to watch for 4 hours.” You mean besides you watching the person watching Kordell for 4 hours?

I like “Pluto Forgot to Wipe Ass, Now Has Perpetual Shit Stain”

How haven’t they made one fancy machine that does everything without the need for such labor?

This thing is crap. It’s exactly what is wrong with trying to make everything smart when a regular old scale works just fine. I bought one a while back, connecting it was a pain in the ass, and it basically did nothing. Stop being lazy. Buy a cheap scale, and record your weight on paper (if you want to track your

This thing is crap. It’s exactly what is wrong with trying to make everything smart when a regular old scale works

This. What kind of false pretense bullshit do the people at Gizmodo think they are trying to feed us. The title should say, “New Information Suggests The Moon Was Created Through A Greater Collision Than Previously Thought.” - But no, they need to bring out the click-bait title. I’d still read the damn article both

What I never got is why we couldn’t just assassinate their fancy leader, and all other future leaders that share his views following his assassination? Why wait for a nuclear holocaust?

Dicks out for Harambe, know what I’m sayin’?

The Bat Flask? Why not make some more bullshit up to keep that record for the long haul, like the Bat Pencil or the Bat Baseball Bat? You could go on and on and on.

I am not the biggest fan of apple, or it’s products, but I will say what they are doing is a step in the right direction. Why? Because it will mean that manufacturers will focus on making bluetooth better, or find other wireless alternative options that are cheaper and more efficient.

Radishes? On a taco? YUCK GTFOHWTS!

Casey, this video is not Giz worthy. Try harder next time.