Lopez Thirsty

Seems a little harsh to include Jabari Parker. One full season in, averaging 15 and 5 this season, hardly seems butt-worthy. Not an all-star, but not a butt-star either.

Magary - Just finished Somebody Could Get Hurt. Wife is pregnant with baby #3, now I can’t sleep. Thanks, dick.

So you don’t drink, obey the speed limit, BUT drive like an asshole? Depending on the level of your asshole-ishness, couldn’t that be reason enough to pull you over for something else?

They drafted this guy. That’s what they think.

He averaged nearly 18 a game as a Freshman. Was he worth #17, who knows, but I don’t believe “Tuurrrrabull” and “unproductive” are the correct adjectives for what he did at UNLV.

Paul Pierce.

Only a towel? She has pants on...

Whew, I was scanning the comments hoping I wasn't the only crazy one. How did they get that wrong? If only there was a big tournament once a year that gave them an example... if only...

A daily reminder to myself. Should I need to be reminded, probably not, but it doesn't hurt.

Same here, except I'm a white guy. Chain and cross are silver and small enough to stay in place and not make any type of bulge through an undershirt, dress shirt, and tie. The one place I consider removing is it at the pool or waterpark with my kids, but rarely go through the effort to do that. I'm not trying to

Cross necklace that no one (except my wife) ever sees and is under my shirt 99% of the time... Yay or nay?