
@WilliamTheFifth: That's right! But plenty of people know how to make it work....we just don't have the materials engineering to do it yet :)

@scythe515: Deuterium is for making nuclear fuel.

@fughedaboudit: Fusion weapons don't require D2O. They use tritium in the plutonium pits. Much better reaction that way. D2O is really only useful for CANDU style reactors. That means that they can use cheaper natural uranium as fuel.

Mine is just Cybertron. I can't rename the WiFi Hotspot on my Incredible :(

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Maybe it was a bluetooth stereo headphone? Wonder if you COULD take two seperate headsets and send L to one and R to the other...

@whatne1wuddo: Found mine, thenanodots.com. Then again at [www.getbuckyballs.com] hmmm...maybe I'm just trying to make my cube wrong...anyhow, I have a feeling one company is manufacturing the magnets and these three are all distributing the exact same ones.

@buckleyneko1: also, see: buckyballs on thinkgeek.com. I forget the brand of mine, but it's all the same. 256 high power magnetic spheres coated in a durable metal. Fun. For sure. But it's HARD to get them to do the neat things in those vids. Just the setup is a paaaaain in the ass.

@buckleyneko1: It's sooooo hard to actually get the cube arrangment....it's a PAIN. The magnets don't like being in the configuration leading up to a finished cube...

@Hearthatvoiceagain: Can you just save as, drop-box/e-mail, then crop it in the wallpaper selection?

@mookster: It's always looked polished to me, but my buddy (the only one with a Pre) is on his 4th one in less than a year. Most recently, it thought it had headphones attached....needless to say, it didn't.

@Hearthatvoiceagain: Anyone know if they've got an app that can switch input methods based on portrait or landscape? That would be FANTASTIC!

@ddhboy: It could probably get rooted...but they got bigger fish to fry.

@CIM: I don't know what you think you're looking at, but my 7 homescreens have WAY more order than a bunch of app icons. One screen for blog widgets, one screen has phone utilities, one has productivity tools, one has multimedia apps, my home-homescreen has the frequently used apps/widgets. I wish I had a few more

What poor sad bastard got volun-told to sift through the SAHARA on google earth on nearly full zoom?

@Diode: well, the first pic shows a strip for a different country's grounds. Haven't wandered over to their site, but it'd be the same concept, just with a fatter slot in the middle.

@Sprzout: I hit 1.5GB this month...and that was mostly audible's fault...

@MrBangBam: Vegan ain't just veggies my man. ANYTHING that comes from an animal. This includes, milk, eggs, cheese, LEATHER, WOOL, etc...you get the idea.

@DefineStatutory: Touch Input (sense), Swype, Shapewriter, DroidX Multitouch, and now Swiftkey...I have so many that I don't even have room to try out the other keyboards available...

@FriarNurgle: Don't forget modulation of the electrodes to something more pleasant. Or maybe just to change the channel on the TV ;)