
Well, after I watched Berserk in the early 2000s, I was obsessed with swinging a giant sword around in video games and real life.

Let them fuck.

Unless they’re perfectly aware, and letting her go about her business is part of a larger plan (Judas Steer...)

As far as I’m concerned:

Why? The right gets to “disagree” with people vehemently all the time, but if the left does so with even a shred of discontent they’re berated as not being “tolerant”. That’s just the scapegoat the right uses to try and silence those on the left.

right cause there arent thousands of cases just over the past couple weeks of republicons calling people libtards, niggers, jews, or the head of Trumps cabinet calling all liberal women dykes.

So much Anime.

There’s a new Witcher 3 patch/”hot-fix” today for consoles. Just hit. Looks like they want to get in on the shortening load-times thing, too. We can all agree that infinite loading screens are a tad too long, yeah?

This all day long.

This whole thing has been exhausting, as a sexual assault survivor. It’s like everywhere I turn there are rape apologists—more so than usual.

I am SO DONE with Amy Schumer. I’ve given this lady enough chances. She no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt. She’s constantly equivocating over issues like this. Take a fucking stand, Amy, or else step off the damn podium.

I remember CDProjekt coming out and explaining why their trailers looked different to the finished game. But then CDProjekt should be put on a pedestal as a testament to how games should be done.

I’m still so blown away by the Expanse’s first season. Such damn good tv and storytelling. Probably the best new Sci-fi show I’ve picked up in a while that I wasn’t already familiar with. But I’m absolutely loving the other shows Syfy has put together lately. Great tv all around.

My takeaway from this article is that we’re saying: