Yeah I dunno about you guys, but I could never consume media created by people who do drugs.
Yeah I dunno about you guys, but I could never consume media created by people who do drugs.
Did you even think how paying to see the movie, you’re lining Bryan Singer’s pockets? The success of this film has all but guaranteed Singer will keep getting new gigs and new victims. Did you ever consider that Rami Malek signed on knowing Bryan Singer was attached to direct? Yes, that guy, a notorious predator of…
“thatredguy" =/= "theatreguy"
Hi Tracy,
Nah, I rolled my eyes pretty hard. I feel like inevitably the supersleuths of the internet would have figured out that this person doesn’t exist. Why people think they can catfish the world anymore when you can find out your Hinge date’s credit score and entire job history in about 10 seconds on google is beyond me...
Am i the only person who finds translucent electronics tacky and ugly?
Everyone will abandon Gwent when they introduce Swansea, a Netrunner clone in Cyberpunk 2077.
Strong zeroes are forever going to be my pregame drink of choice anyway.
1. The mini-challenge was maybe the highlight of the season so far
This game is like the EVE of the survival genre; fun to read about but not to play XD
“ from the UK, which we all can agree is a dark, rainy city...”
You missed it :/ . Reformation was in the 16th century.
“Just wanted to more formally apologize for me email earlier.”
It’s so sad that the term has been ruined to the point where actual feminists don’t want to use it anymore. I’ll still use it. I may not write books, but I feel like just saying I’m a feminist is confrontational enough to make a point. I’ll let my words and actions be a witness to what feminism is actually about, to…
I know, I know. Everything on this list is wrong. Frank’s Brother is the worst episode.
Well, after I watched Berserk in the early 2000s, I was obsessed with swinging a giant sword around in video games and real life.
Unless they’re perfectly aware, and letting her go about her business is part of a larger plan (Judas Steer...)