Riiiight. Yup, civic pride.
Riiiight. Yup, civic pride.
The LA District Attorney, Jackie Lazy, has been stalling for months/years now on bringing charges against Masterson. LAPD conveniently ‘lost’ some evidence related to these allegations but apparently there is enough evidence to bring charges. It is so disgusting how Los Angeles City Police and Law Enforcement is in Sci…
I miss the Sifl and Olly Show.
Scientologists have been using bad shooping for many years and THEY think it works on their cult members. So it’s probably not a question of whether the people believe it or not.
So Stephanie Zimbalist is a donor? Great, now my childhood is completely ruined. Not only is Pierce Brosnan a complete asshole as a human but now Stephanie Zimbalist is a Trump supporter. Remington Steele was tainted by Brosnan but now utterly and completely ruined.
From all accounts, Cruise patterned his performance in Magnolia and in A Few Good Men after his friend - maniacal, criminal & hopeful future inmate, Scientology’s Pope, David Miscavige.
The Evil Queen has been my Disney favorite since I was a toddler. I always loved her outfit and thought she was gorgeous. After watching this, I just had a therapeutic breakthrough.....my early admiration of the Evil Queen was always much more than aesthetic......I’ve been drawn in by bitchy queens since a small child.
It’s actually Hasst or haßt.
You left out wiping down all door handles and other parts of the car with barely legal atomic hot sauce. Can’t say I’ve heard of that being done before. Nope, can’t say that I have.
In most states, a sidewalk is a public easement on private property. This car was parked on private property without consent.
Looks like Tarantino’s male gaze is the only lens he used because his so-called attention to time period detail is just as shitty as his treatment of women. The still used at the top of this article has street signs, street lights and pedestrian signs that were not in existence in 1969 Los Angeles.
This season of SNL doesn’t seem that old to me (being ancient myself) but this is old enough that 1) Jim Belushi isn’t scary looking, but still horribly unfunny, and 2) you could get away with blackface on a network.
Mr. Rogers = Toddlers’ Little Helpers (aka Xanax for kids)
I think you are spot on. The R & M crowd is likely too young and didn’t read the graphic novel a couple of decades ago like those that want a real Watchmen show. If I wanted a knock-off, I’ll go to Canal St.
I agree that “Apocalypse: World War I” is a fantastic documentary and a great resource for historical events of that era. It received little marketing which was unfortunate because it was a quality documentary. Fun fact - the actor that played Cesare Borgia in the Borgias, François Arnaud, narrated the documentary.…
And take a WILD GUESS who was a cocky little shit toward our military while filming this turkey?
Yup. This sits deep in the Uncanny Valley. Will not watch.
For a newcomer and young man, I don’t think they hype is overblown. If Mahershala Ali played that same role at the same age as Jharrel, then I would likely say the very same thing. Mr. Ali is an incredible talent and I’ll just say it....very easy on the eyes.
If Jharrel Jerome does not win, then it will be official that the Emmys went full-tilt Milli Vanilli-awarded-a-Grammy level of credibility.
Spacey, like some OTHER predators that lost their careers, doesn’t seem to want to take ownership of his actions and make amends. I bet he starts to file defamation lawsuits soon even though he preyed on young boys and men for YEARS. He belongs in the Woody Allen/Louis CK club.