Gawd, I don’t remember that part about Tina. Ewwww. Douche chill on that plot twist.
Gawd, I don’t remember that part about Tina. Ewwww. Douche chill on that plot twist.
I’m getting the sense that Kit died of an opiate-related overdose. There’s been no word of her yet in the show and she was an alcoholic.
The Queen isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Even a lifetime of experience hasn’t improved her intellect or media savvy. Time and time again she’s had to do “repair” back-peddle stunts (see speech after Diana’s death) to improve her PR. PR is the only thing seemingly keeping her and her dullard children at the top…
I believe the Queen’s financial holdings were also wrapped up in the Panama Papers, which sadly received very little media attention. That whole “family” is dirty to its core.
I’ve read predictions that the Commonwealth will break up after the Queen dies and that the Commonwealth is only held together by the member countries’ respect for the Queen. I’m not sure if this is true, but Charles has an uphill battle to keep everything together. I’m sure this plays into the decision to axe…
Cheney does not have a sense of humor. When has he ever cracked a smile that was not demonic in appearance or in context of whatever conversation was happening? Cheney is a demented human being.
I feel so old. I remember watching them open for Porno for Pyros and now they are “reuniting”?
Thanks, Gwen, for saving me now 2 hours of unpleasantness (I didn’t watch the last two episodes after reading your reviews). This show definitely should have stopped when Noah did his best Perry Mason admission and pleaded guilty for killing that Lockhart dude. The only characters I want to watch are Helen and Whitney…
Agreed. Came here to politely tell Ms. Summers to fuck off before making “going to therapy” a salacious headline grabber.
The hypocrisy of the Evangelicals in supporting a thrice married, anti-family values, known serial sexual harasser, that cheats, steals, lies, is gluttonous, and lazy, and who does not contribute to charity even when he promises he’ll do so, will give a lot of fun ammo to use against them for years to come.
Would you trust a 10 week old infant alone with a pit bull that ripped the throat out of another dog only weeks before?
I’ll take out my broad brush here and say that most of Britain’s royal family are completely out of touch with reality. Royalty (and nobility) being out of touch with reality is one of the reasons why most of Europe no longer has ruling monarchies.
I’ve seen some shady stuff going on at a particular Pet Hotel here in California. A aggressive dog was court ordered to be kenneled because it had a history of killing and maiming other dogs, but the owner had NO problem letting this dog around an infant child during court mandated visitations.
I completely agree, which is why I’m a little stunned that this episode only garnered a “B+”. This episode is one of the best since season 1.
Esmail must be a fan of wordplay because Dom’s mother was telling a story about someone named “Merkin”.
I guess Fiona went to NYC.
If Jim Carrey spent just as much time doing good works for charities as he does staring at his own navel, he may actually have a better reputation in Hollywood.
I would have chosen any of the many twisted V.C. Andrews books over sportsball ANY DAY.
Bateman is my third favorite child.