
I was older than 29 (we’ll just leave it at that) when this happened and I was working for a minority-based non-profit where many of my co-workers actually knew the Kennedy family. We were all at a quarterly board meeting in another state and many board members were in their hotel rooms watching the coverage.  We had

If anyone wants a primer on how Narcissists operate, then watch all of the Luke footage.

There are 2 actor deaths that still make me terribly sad and weepy.  The first is Bill Paxton and the second is Anton Yelchin.  I may not be able to watch this documentary without a box of Kleenex.  

Yes, becoming exactly like them and attacking others is a FANTASTIC IDEA.

I think the ‘dirt’ that Epstein has/had on high profile people is how he got that ‘resign-now-bait’ deal agreement in 2008. From all appearances, the chickens are coming home to roost on that disgusting man and magic will hopefully not strike twice.

A needed comment here. Actual, precise science on these DNA tests are questionable at best.

Shitty writing is shitty writing.  My money won’t pay for shitty writing.

I cancelled my HBO subscription right after I posted this comment.

I’m 30 seconds into the latest episode and just want to scream. The burden of proof for a grandparent to get guardianship/custody over a child in California is very high and this story line is unbelievably poorly researched and written.

Pasty pasty white + red hair unfortunately becomes dominant in some families.

Come to think about it, all the states starting with the letter ‘A’ all seem to have Jello Shots and Shootin Guuuuns as a common pastime.  

For fans of the books, I highly recommend watching the reboot series on Netflix. While some may criticize the acting or possibly call the plot ‘full of cheese’, one should remember that the characters and stories were always written with a full palate of cheese (it was a newspaper serial, after all).

THIS is the sum total of what Twitter should aspire to be.

Dreyfuss is a recovering alcoholic so I tend to believe that one dry asshole drunk is able to recognize another asshole drunk without much effort.

Pierce Brosnan is also a supreme asshole and all you have to do is move your eyes in his direction to get the “you are a low form of life, lower than bacteria” attitude from him. I’ve never had the displeasure of seeing Steve Martin anywhere but I’ve heard similar stories from others that have.

Oh boy. I was twenty...somethingish when this came out and I watched every episode. Every comment that says, “I was in 2nd grade when this came out” or “I was 10" just makes me cringe because it reminds me how old I am compared to the average Jez commenter.

The followers are the ones seeing the emperor wearing clothes when he is actually butt nekkid. THAT is cognitive dissonance. It is the Emperor that is lying.

COTD.  More stars.

Great idea! I’ll have to get those for my battery case.

Great idea! I’ll have to get those for my battery case.

I’m sure I’ll get some hate replies on this, but Dolly sang it better.  Whitney’s version, while pitch perfect, sounds like a car alarm.  It was overplayed to the point of annoyance.