
“Shot Through the Heart” is in my top ten non-fiction books, and I’ve read hundreds. It is an amazing tale of Mikal’s family, heartbreak, depression, and the religious influence on his family’s story. Thanks for mentioning this book because Mikal’s story paints a true picture of the soul crushing impacts of murder to

It is a modern day Pink Dot (which was an incredible Los Angeles delivery service in the 90s). They deliver anything you want, even more booze and hamburgers when everyone at the party cannot drive or walk straight to get more.

I’ve seen her in person (she wasn’t showing her abs) at an outdoor restaurant and I’ve never seen anyone with creamy skin that glowed like hers does.  

Came here for this reference.  Well done.

My money is on Don Don Jr.

I’m just not so sure that anyone wants the poisonous fruit from Stone’s rancid tree.  There is obviously enough evidence for a trier of fact to put him in prison, and flipping this guy may only serve to taint anything he could provide.

Looks like a Zika virus victim.

Bring back the Celica instead, please.

Thank you. I was very visible in my 20s and was complicit while resenting it at the same time. I am now invisible in my middle age and love it while resenting my 25 year old self for being complicit at the same time.

I don’t know why, but I’ve found that some nurses (that have actual medical training) fall for woo-based shit, like essential oils. One that I know seems to have a new woo treatment every few months. The essential oils was one she kept harping for years. There was another one she had that turned out to be a fake

I saw What About Dick live too and thought the same thing about Connolly. That show was only good due to Connolly, Ullman, Curry and Izzard. I really wanted Brand to get the fuck off the stage and let the pros do their jobs. But it was a great opportunity to see such great talent in one show.

Manos: The Hands of Fate does have decent redeeming qualities....really!  But ONLY as an excellent MST3K vehicle.

No sarcasm meant here, but are Tesla’s frames strong enough to tow like that?

We need someone with class, respect, incredible intelligence, and tenacity who will run on the platform to restore, repair, and run out the racists. In my opinion neither Bernie nor Warren fit those requirements.  While I would love to see the first Jewish president or female president, these two are tarnished.

Run it through the dishwasher.

You likely don’t understand Scientology’s playbook. They will group anyone and everyone that worked at the Village Voice that publishes an anti-Scientology article as a criminal, like Tony Ortega. Tony Ortega, according to the cult, is an enemy and criminal. Anyone even remotely associated with any institution in

Lisa Bonet sure knows how to pick them.

Let Donald Trump host the show. The stupid show will quickly go from 3+ hours to 20 minutes. And we can all get GIFs for a lifetime of memes from everyone’s disgusted looks as they collect their trophy.  Who needs a comedian when Donny Two Scoops is presiding over the ceremonies?

OK, so I watched this live today and this clip leaves out something strange that happened when the Fox reporter asked her question. No one so far has caught it. This clip starts afterward.

I love this man.  He should win some type of award for every year he’s alive.