
Blackadder vs Downton Abbey.  That would be a great Epic Rap Battle of History.  

Love the addition of the Star Trek soprano singing the melody in this trailer.  I was waiting to see a ship whiz by the screen.

He looks like a waxy throw away, seriously defective real doll that was supposed to be destroyed for defects. His unreal looking skin and dead eyes make him appear not human and falls into the uncanny valley.

Come on now. In all fairness, who hasn’t superglued their hands to their thighs?

Love this band.

Somehow I doubt her vocabulary contains any polysyllabic words. People like her usually can’t read/comprehend past a 30 second Fox News byte or read past the 8th grade level. She’s only on TV because of the stupid people that see her as fuckable.

Automatic star for anyone that uses Fat Donny Two Scoops.  


Any man that self-attests to being a good man is almost always not a good man.

Randy Rainbow.

Agreed. The MPAA is so ridiculous that less than 20 people can make rulings on community standards, which happens to only be the LA community standard. It takes 100 to be statistically valid, but after watching that 2006 documentary, it doesn’t appear that the MPAA has any interest in quantifying their ridiculous

Some women may not be able to carry a fetus as it grows to term due to medical conditions.  

I agree.  If the Cosby victims said that to themselves then he would still be living in his mansion.

I vote for the latter.

Example #1 of my other comment. Unless this guy was a master magician, snowing you and you were wearing black-colored glasses, did you not see the red flags?

I don’t know too many 25 year olds that know how to recognize and act appropriately when red flags are smacking them in the face.  There are 50 year old women that still can’t recognize a red flag and know to GTFO of a bad relationship.

It’s not likely she’ll be an intern at this or ANY public defenders’ office after this story.

Meh, speaking as a former blonde and current white person, all white blonde women look the same to me. Come to think about it, the older I get the more all white people start looking the same.

Imagine seeing this on the front lawn of your hotel during a rain storm and thinking that this unmoving female was in trouble.

Yes, I saw this in person and still giggle when I see it.  Scots rule.