Blame this guy.
Blame this guy.
oh....zoinks. So descriptive and so awful. Why am I continuing to read the comments on this post??!?
Oh, don’t get me started about the horrific things that Hotel Pennsylvania did to my 80 year-old mother. It is a dump and staffed with humanity-lacking staff.
Thanks for the info. There appears to be an actionable HIPAA violation as well if this fucked-up pharmacist loudly announced the medications within earshot of others.
I wish the Pharmacist was doxed and unable to get another job.
Well, so far it feels like forever waiting in a long line for a new and fantastic Disney ride and going nowhere, in the awful Florida heat. Wake me when we actually move forward.
ABOUT TIME!!!! It’s been a long tv binge drought.
Dear Gawkmodobel, why are your writers all leaving? Certain subscribers want to know.
Agreed. But when that thin veil of buying the fantasy that actors portray is pierced by a human being that you know to be awful, then their acting becomes difficult to watch.
The best comedians (to me) are the ones that don’t use blatant hatred and hostility in their acts; Cross’ stand-up is so openly hateful and hostile that I struggle to watch Arrested Development, which is one of my favorite shows (as my name would suggest).
Is “unstable” synonymous to “unreliable” and “abusive”? I’m not entirely sure that women don’t also share in that generalization.
Oh pleeez. She can’t find a lawyer that would do this on contingency so now she tries to crowd fund a lawsuit? I could throw a stone and find a lawyer that is hungry enough to sue anyone with a deep pocket like Crowe. There’s a reason why no lawyer has taken her as a client. Doesn’t pass the smell test.
I love this man. He’s a REAL MAN.
Mr. Depp needs to take a step or twelve away from the bottle and other intoxicating substances before he can see clear to write his personal inventory.
Adam Carolla and his ex-sidekick Jimmy Kimmel are both misogynistic assholes and had an entire show devoted to denigrating women in one form or another.
Well from someone that actually thought it was a good idea to plagiarize a speech in a national arena via Google search......not a stretch to say she’s a dumb dumb.
I don’t care how silly or bad this movie may be. It’s got da Hamm in it so I’ll watch it repeatedly when it gets to NetFlix or Amazon Prime.
You have to pass the CA Baby Bar if you go the unaccredited or serve as an apprentice route. The Baby Bar is no joke, either. There are only 3 topics instead of the 15-16 tested on the main bar, but it is an all day exam and not easy to pass.
Yes, I just hurt my eyes with the huge eye roll I did upon reading that dumb person with a crazy husband’s words.
Ms. Dykstra just spelled out my story. She’s a brave soul and I’m happy she’s expelling her demons now in her late 20s. I had to wait another decade before I was able to do that.