I love this movie. Completely underrated and a hidden gem.
I love this movie. Completely underrated and a hidden gem.
I find him amusing enough to watch on NetFlix when I’m doing work around the house. His self-heckling bit got very tired after the first special, though.
This looks like it could be good. She seems to have (just from this short clip) some acting chops. And as long as she’s better than Madonna’s acting (very low bar) and Streisand’s acting (schmaltzy and low-ish bar), then I think she’s a real triple threat. I’ll pay to watch this movie.
John Mulaney comes off as a smug asshole, possible narcissist and sociopath that thinks he’s smarter than everyone in the room. His dead eyes creep me out.
Hillary lost because more people despised her than they despised Trump, which still astounds me because everyone saw how awful he was and now act surprised.
Interesting that Weezer can actually sing something in tune. Although I wonder how much auto-tune and overdubbing was done here.
NOBODY fucks with Peter Gabriel.
Not enough stars for this. More stars. More stars.
Well, considering that this entire song is a new/interesting and (for me) completely unexpected direction for Weezer, I like it.
I am very familiar with BPD and I wish Davidson the best. BPD is very hard on all parties, and having finally just ended a 24 year friendship (well, I didn’t end it, the “forget you know me” and strange legal threats of the other party ended it) with a friend with BPD I am emotionally exhausted.
Why why why must Tambor ruin things that I adore?? I hope the fucker never works again.
Your post about Netflix in may left out THE MOST important show. Arrested Development is back in 5 days with Season 5. And, they re-edited, re-cut, and added new scenes to Season 4 which is out now.
oh that one hurt. I see what you did there.
Then someone would have taken a picture, posted it on Snapbook or whatever the tragic hipsters use these days, and complained about it. I recall a SF website devoted only to notating human shit on sidewalks as a where-not-to-travel guide.
Or she just hoovered a lot of coke cut with baby laxatives. That would be my guess, since she’s known to the staff as creating disturbances.
I must be living under a rock because I don’t know what Newsmax is either. I hope advertisement sponsors stay far away.
I just.....I just can’t take anything Maxine Waters does seriously. I cringe when I see her name.
For once, I have an emotion other than nausea for Meghan McCain. It may be sympathy, but I’m not sure.