looselucy forever in Hillaryland


Seriously! I was diagnosed in 1996, and nobody had ever heard of Crohns. Now, everybody has a friend, cousin, roommate, co-worker, mothers-brother's-ex-wife that's got it. I always blamed the rise in, let's say the less responsible, processing of the food supply.

she said she knew how this game works.

says you :P

Me too!

re: Tyrion + dragons (possible spoiler, can't remember quite where the last season ended)

that's what I was thinking! "Boldwyn? Who the hell is Tony Boldwyn! Wait, it's that supposed to be funny? Do I need more coffee? What is happening! Better read comments, they will help"

this this this! I used to listen to to bring you my love, little earthquakes and live through this in the car on the way to all my divorce/custody court dates to get me amped up/angry/brave.

really? Boys for Pele is actually my favorite of her albums. The version of springtime for his voodoo she did on unplugged is what my heaven will sound like

when my daughter was little, every time this commercial came on she'd yell "swing dance, mommy!" and I'd have to pick her up and swing her around until the commercial was over. Little as in young, not light. After awhile I hated these commercials. She's 21 now and in school away from home, and I'd cheerfully blind

thank you both so much! That's kind of what I suspected from the contexts I've heard it used in, but it's good to get confirmation

can I piggy back on this to ask exactly what queer means? I used to think it just meant gay, but apparently that's not the case now?

Well thanks not I have the uncontrollable giggles

also once I was going up a metro escalator and a very familiar looking man was going down the one next to me. I turned around to get a better look and caught Tim Geitner totally checking out my ass.

So I used to live in this town in CT where lots of celebrities that were working in NYC would rent houses for the duration of their jobs. One weekend I was out running errands with my daughter who wasn't quite one year old yet. What she was, though, was moody and fed up by the time I was almost done.

dont get me, I love Brando too, but I get the idea ol' Johnny is trying to follow that blueprint and it's not quite ending up in the same place.

I don't know, turns out Depp is exactly Brando: young, hot + talented grows into self important Hutt. All he needs to do is start packing on the pounds. And if what I keep hearing about his drinking is true, that shouldn't take too long.

oh goddess thank you! that pet peeve of mine is right up there with not being able to find cheap taper candles anymore, but I suspect that rant doesn't belong on this thread <|:)

Our local rite aid had Xmas stuff out on Labor Day weekend.