looselucy forever in Hillaryland

What did you dose him with before you asked?

Might want to ask a U.S. Army chaplain about that one, buddy

Can I just ask if you feel that way about the word gay? Dyke? Black?? All of these terms started out as pejorative, but were reclaimed by the people they were used against.

aww my guess was Sarandonistas...

They just moved because of this very reason. The protesters are outside of the NEW house! Imagine being introduced to your new neighbors that way, oy

Congratulations 😆

Did you see him on John Oliver the other night playing the harmonica? You need some excellent tongue dexterity for that kind of thing so i think you’re right about this!

These days it’s positively presidential, I understand

This discussion reminds me: the EMT driver and his mother! Probably no incest, but the vibe was the same. Let me take care of you and keep you locked in this little box that I’M comfortable with (to hell with what you want)

Watch it..

Maybe I’m giving Cruz too much credit, but he probably meant that five justices are a majority. 5+4=9

Oh thank you! I was hoping someone would make a monogrammed thermos joke.

Hey can all please we stop with throwing around the word skinny like it’s a curse? I’m 5’10” and weigh less than 120 because of a medical condition that keeps me from being able to absorb nutrition from food. Quick tip: swap out the word “skinny” for “fat”. If it becomes a phrase you’d feel weird uttering in front of

I’m borrowing this, that’s ok right?

That makes me sad to hear about Paul but very happy to hear about Till


See that’s what I would’ve thought except I’ve heard stories about Richard being a bit of a bit of a peen to the girls he pulls on tour. Nothing against Paul of course, but he does kind of have that vibe.

no kidding! My husband calls them the "really, Claire?" books because I keep yelling that whenever I'm reading one.

I have to know: which Rammstein guitarist, the cute one or the short one?

i dont remember reading that part as homophobic