
However, no Indy car pretends to *be* a car that you can buy at a Chevy dealer, in name and appearance. I think it’s the poser aspect of it that irritates folks, down to the fact that the “S” in NASCAR still stands for “stock.”

I would have a lot more respect for NASCAR if they kept the “stock” part of racing intact instead of what they drive now. They kinda lost their way when they moved away for actual factory built cars and went full custom whips. That, and they need more road courses, I hate watching an oval race.

I wonder how Kanye feels about being the “black friend” to radical conservatives.

I think we are all missing out on a golden opportunity. We need to start The Culture Vulture awards and even start a Culture Vulture Hall of Fame. You can have an award called the Vulture of the Year, Best Supporting Vulture, Best Gentrification of a City. I mean this could be a real money maker. You know like the

So, I got questions:

Your comment is like MST3K movies.

Agreed. Trump is an idiot who hurts people through his blundering and greed, but Mitch seems to have sat down and carefully planned out how best to erode democracy and build systems of exploitation.

In many ways, Mitch McConnell is worse than Donald Trump.

If i had a tomato......

Depends on if you need roads or not, and great Scott’s right side was currently going where it didn’t need roads. So, it’s ok.

That’s probably Wesley Snipes’s apartment.

I’m no mechanical engineer, but I don’t think your axle is supposed to sit perpendicular to the rear end like that.

As someone whose office just got renovated recently to a more “open concept”, it’s really not as good as a lot of people want to think.  I do like that we actually refreshed the interior to a cohesive theme instead of the years and years of additions and moved walls and mismatched carpet, but open concept means you

1st Gear-

Nah, because that would cause damage to the bridge.  Dude just needs to take a George Bailey-like jump off a bridge, will cause much less mess.   Imagine Gaetz getting a “It’s a Wonderful Life”-esque angel showing him how the world would have been without him in it, except in his case everyone is fine and dandy

Think of how many people you’ll be able to take out at a Cars & Coffee...

Another hatch back in heels.

It’s really not that bad, it just shouldn’t be called a Mustang of any kind. That’s my only real gripe.

Can’t remember when I last laughed so much at a Highlight Reel episode, honestly... Thank you, WWWWWWEEEW 202020k20k2! :)

The commentator are the best part when WWE 2K20 glitching.