
When you let one of your long time players run their high-level character in your new D&D group.

“You can’t just follow me into fire!”

What, you’ve never seen seahorses before?

I like that a lot better than the Ronda Rousey rumor going around.

can a buick grand national v6 handle 450? Seriously you don’t know what a buick grand national is?  465 is childs play for that engine


And that is precisely what she’s talking about. She was written as what every well-to-do New Englander of King’s generation knew as an elderly black housekeeper looked like. There’s more to humanity that that narrow vision.

Let me see if I have this straight.

Wow, imagine what would have happened if they rolled a 216,000 :|

This was just a normal Shadowrun session.

Hey asshole - I was born in that fucking country you say doesn’t “send their best” in the 2016 campaign. Did you think I, or any other Mexican, forgot that?
Or any Latinx person who picks up a newspaper, reads an article, or hears the shit they probably do on the street?
Fuck off mate. Seriously.

Couldn’t peel my eyes from the trailer.

Hey, if Sony doesn’t own the rights to Night Monkey maybe Tom Holland can stay and play after all! However, I’m not sure how marketable the toys would be if they replace web shooters with poop flingers. Ah, who am I kidding? Kids love poop!

A bunch of ‘em. Hands down.

The fans are going bananas for this. 

It is Ape Law.

Even without the deep dive into how he’s lying, this whole thing is bullshit on its surface. Trump seems to think that he’s making himself look good or smart by saying that he got the US more oil just by making a damn phone call. It took a stable genius to come up with the brilliant idea of asking for shit. Apparently

Now playing

Kotaku has previously reported on self-appointed boob police who trawl through Twitch’s directories searching for and reporting women they believe are violating Twitch’s terms of service.

What absolutely miserable human beings these people reporting her must be