Oh I am so fucking disappointed.
Oh I am so fucking disappointed.
Ugh that Katy Perry footage always gets me right in the feels.
You’re saying she was a victim of “good girl” patriarchy and is still being victimized.
For. Real. I’m reading this whole article going, “How the fuck did this not come up in the interview process?” Someone done fucked up.
I will watch the SHIT out of this.
I fucking hate that word. I am going so hard in the other direction so nobody calls me that, that I may very well hate everything about my wedding.
This is real talk. People think just “not being a bridezilla” is enough. It is difficult to feed and water dozens of people, no matter what.
Shoulda screenshotted. (Screenshat?)
I disagree strongly with basically everything in this article. But it was very funny! So B+ would read again.
What isn’t safe about it? Why isn’t it okay?
Any discussion of Twilight requires the story of when I first read it. I was 25 years old and so had resisted it as too juvenile but I also was way too old for Harry Potter and was obsessed with that, so. . .I picked it up in the airport to read on a cross-country flight. So I’m sitting on the plane, reading this…
I HAVE THIS LIPSTICK!! It truly is great.
Can I make a confession? (This is a safe place for privilege-related confessions right? LOL.)
He totally respects women because he has a sister, ok??
“Pay your taxes, Paul Hewson” is my new go-to insult.
It’s cool. I didn’t feel like sleeping tonight anyway.
It’s really cool that I’m reading this while sitting alone at a bar with wine and fattening pasta in front of me. Really super cool.