
This is the best possible statement he could release, in that he’s still just as much a piece of shit as he was yesterday. Which is a lot, but at the very least he didn’t go “oh they’re lying” or “I was drunk...and now I’m gay!”

I know it won’t matter to most people, but this is a really good statement and exactly how these things should be done.

Like being called a racist is worse than being racist. In the immortal words of my father: It’s all coming together...I rather wish it weren’t.

I mean, in this hypothetical scenario I was so clearly asking for it, so how unfair to hurt the man that was only following my signals, like being within fifty feet of him while in possession of a pussy. Let’s keep in mind who the REAL victims are.

Then I’ll be tried and convicted for assault because this is Trump’s America.

First man that grabs my pussy will hAve to seek medical attention in order to retrieve his balls from his throat, which is where their final resting place will be from me kicking them so hard.

Another friendly reminder that political correctness is simply treating people with respect. So yea, he’ll probably be acquitted.

Once you are raped, I mean a real rape, not a fake rape, you’ve got to wear a turtleneck, pants, and a poncho over all of that in perpetuity. How dare you show any skin. It’s like you’re just asking to be raped again! ugh. UGH!

I swear to dog, if you dig down into these attitudes it always boils down to a modern day ducking. A woman, even if the only reason you know her name is because she was the victim of a crime, is only truly innocent if she dies. If she lives, she’s still a witch and it’s somehow all her fault.

Right?! What the fuck? How can someone going to a party a year after a gang rape be used against them? So, she wasn’t destroyed enough to stop attempting to have a normal life so fuck her and her case? This asshole.

If it was really rape, she’d weep and shiver in the corner while praying the rosary for the rest of her life.

Though the De Anza case didn’t go “viral,” it speaks, perhaps, to the contradictions of a judge who campaigned as tough on sexual predators and a vocal advocate of victims.

Federal scientist here. The raw data we collect has to go through a time-consuming check/approval process before it’s fit for public consumption because people rely on that data for recreation/agriculture/infrastructure/construction. Our data is also collected and transmitted via telemetry, which like NASA’s, isn’t

THIS. After working in therapeutic group homes with kids everyone else has given up on, I just want to scream to the world: PEOPLE SUFFERING FROM MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS STILL HAVE VALUE AND THEIR LIVES DO TOO.

I lost my best friend with shizophrenia to suicide and it was one of the worst things I ever read. If anyone ever said such things about her to me they’d get straight decked. The stigma is terrible. Love to your brother. Living with it takes immense strength so I know he’s strong. I couldn’t have hated it more.

This. Not only is she hideous to someone who was supposedly her best friend at one time, I couldn’t believe how she talked about this girl’s family. My partner’s cousin has schizophrenia as well and the lengths to which the entire family has gone to get her help (and failed) is heartbreaking. Her mom’s struggle is

My brother has schizophrenia. His life has value. I could never imagine writing something like that about him. Just FYI people, stop making psycho or schizo into a slur. Stigma is a real problem and contributes to the devaluing of the lives of people who have thought disorders.

Okay can we talk about xoJane lately?? The other day I read the one from the woman who says that she thinks straight men just become gynecologists to grope women and I just

“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.

Pretty sure Carly didn’t “fall” but rather was yanked down by the Devil himself