
Agree completely. It’s nice to see integrity and refusal on the part of the employees to be complacent or complicit, but it’s also personally and professionally expensive as hell on the part of the employees to do so. These folks are now without a paycheck, and that takes a serious amount of integrity to do without in

There is a certain elevated irony to the fact that this occurred at a progressive-oriented PR Firm, but this kind of sexual harassment / sexual assault is not limited to any organization with a particular social or political ideology. In general, I am very reluctant to judge too harshly any group of employees that (as

Your characterization is that the reason the employees had not spoken out was, “fear of reprisal among them.” How can you possibly infer that from this post or the HuffPo? You make is sound as if these women are weak and afraid when they may have thought, due to the usual egalitarian atmosphere they experienced at

The staff, I think, has shown exactly the opposite. They became aware of behavior that was inapposite to the ideals and goals of the firm and killed it. The conservative response would have been to have him resign to “spend more time with his family” and bury the allegations as deeply as possible.

Unfortunately, sexism and bro-ism is everywhere. We had it at Occupy too.

He was a partner in the Houston office of my law firm prior to running for Congress. Despite being largely conservative and Republican, everyone in the office (and the firm, generally) loathed him, so much so that to this day, no one wants to use his former office. It’s considered tainted.

I get what you’re saying, but this is such a rare and specific thing. If his horrible college roommate wasn’t a politician, we wouldn’t hear about it. But in this case, Cruz is living a public life and Mazin actually has a unique perspective to add. How often does that happen that something plays out in front of you

Looks too much like Bill Murray there. That should not be.

I don’t know, he’s had to see Cruz’s name all over the news this whole time. I have a particularly vile former roommate that after a few years of hate I’ve graduated to a semi-zen “I wish her well, and far away” POV, but if she had a political following constantly Tweeting about how she was the smartest person in the

I vote no, because he keeps his sense of humor throughout.

Also, speaking as a father, make sure you’re not afraid to ask your partner/husband for help. Sometimes guys are a little oblivious, and we dont understand what birth (vaginal or c-section) REALLY does to you. Even the most caring partner may need to have a thump on the head from time to time, so make sure you let

To pile on some unsolicited advice: Don’t tell yourself you’re a failure because you didn’t do what everybody else says is right with a baby. They can suck it. You’re the parent. Tell yourself that every time someone tries to shit on your choices.

You should be. I was terrified. I think it’s GOOD to be scared. Anyone who’s pregnant and says they’re not scared is a damn liar. And it’s ok to be, because not one piece of advice or amount of preparation can really, truly prepare you for what it’s like to have your first child. It’s truly an insane psychological

That’s totally and completely normal. I had wanted to be a mom for years and had the easiest, most low-key pregnancy imaginable, and I still spent most of it freaked out. My advice, for what it’s worth, is to accept that there’s only so much you can control. I know far too many women who were determined to have a

I agree with you, it just gets funny when someone is saying it at 30+.

My parents couldn’t get a FHA loan in the 70s. Things continued to change int he eighties, believe it or not.

This is what I appreciated about this article too. To label yourself specifically “white” when white was the default and universal value means you made the conscious decision to racialize yourself. You could only do that in opposition to black people, and in doing so you acknowledged that blacks had a rough deal. You

Really interesting piece. I’d never heard the (staggeringly and blithely fucked-up) phrase before now, so it’s great to get a crash course in the history of it.

And I HAVE to see The World, the Flesh, and the Devil. Sounds awesome.

I love this expression and honestly thought no one under 60 or a lover of old movies, would understand it.