
“Washing out?” Really? And the worst part is that you probably weren’t even trying to make a joke. You simply didn’t realize that that was a poor choice of words.

Small talk about family sometimes reveals that my brother is deceased. The appropriate response is NOT “How did he die?” That’s happened enough times that unless you’ve been upgraded from acquaintance to friend, I’m an only child as far as you’re concerned.

That means he voted 20 times for Trump!

I actually think his comment adds value to the discussion.

Well, if you tune him up for talking, suddenly YOU’RE the bad guy. He has to physically do something for the law to be on your side. It’s annoying because people should get wrecked just for talking like this.

Well maybe this post just isn’t for you somedouche

I was thinking that too. This guy isn’t big...does he have a gun? What’s giving him so much confidence and why isn’t he getting the living shit kicked out of him??

I think it’s Lake street because of the train tracks shadow. People are crazy on Lake street for some reason, especially downtown. I think the noise from the trains gets to them or something.

Try Boston!

Jostens is a mass production company. They print what they are given to print. They can and probably do have a way to search text that’s in files, but there is no good way to search text in pictures. Even neatly printed text in reports and documents often fails to OCR correctly. Why would they offer free reprints for

Ha. That was a (now-fixed) typo. I too needed my coffee. And p.m. stands for post meridiem, which is latin for after noon.

It’s unusual for this to happen in the middle of downtown Chicago (on what appears to be...Wabash Ave.). In one of the far flung ethic neighborhoods, sure, you might get a comment if you were walking down the street or driving by... or worse. But downtown people generally keep their far right opinions to themselves

Look racists...Donald Trump might have encouraged you guys, but if you are a 98 lb guy in a tacky suit, you had better refrain from spitting and cursing at people that could throw you in a trashcan with one hand. I’m not sure what Racist Bill Gates was hoping to accomplish here.

Genuinely asking:
What’s the best way to react in this situation? My first instinct is to serve this guy a German Suplex into the planet’s core, but apparently that’s frowned upon.

I can pretty much handle dumbass racists saying whatever racist shit they want. But you spit on me...nah. All bets are off then.

Don’t mind me. I’m just here for the inevitable whining about how Lifehacker isn’t a safe space for Trump supporters from people who don’t understand that clicking through only supports the content they’re so triggered by.

You put your legs and feet together and jumpe

Service dogs (for blind people for instance) and emotional support dogs (what this guy has) are very different.

I don’t think it really counts as a service dog. It was an “emotional support” animal. Anyone can claim their dog/pony/iguana is an emotional support animal. There are no rules or regulations around this and it’s frequently abused by folks who frankly do not really need to cart an untrained pet around with them

You guys must be the least fun people to be around in real life