Scherzer, by the looks of it from the dugout cam, was livid, maybe at himself, maybe at his skipper.
Scherzer, by the looks of it from the dugout cam, was livid, maybe at himself, maybe at his skipper.
He can’t possibly be pissed at the manager. He famously refuses to be pulled from games all the time and usually threatens to shove baseballs in uncomfortable areas when they try. He cant say well now was the time to come get me. He And who would you choose to get out of that jamb? Insane wild man who is the best…
Hinkie lives inside the brains of this website’s staff, yet somehow it’s Sixers fans who have Stockholm Syndrome.
3rd highest scorer on the Hawks last season. The cap relief is there, but to lose a player of his caliber as a 2-way forward is irreplaceable. As a Hawks fan, this really sucks.
People saying this is convenient or a conspiracy are idiots. Seriously.
1 - Because it’s not convenient for two reasons: Cap recapture and losing one of the team’s best players, a guy who would be team captain in maybe any other team except the Penguins.
2 - People with no medical knowledge have absolutely no idea how…
What’s The Best Store To Daydream About Robbing?
I used to have major gym anxiety so I’d go late at night or early when it’s not peak bro time. I’ve learned over the years most of the people in the gym really don’t give a shit about anyone else...unless you’re a really pretty woman and then you might get stares and unwelcome help or advice. Sorry ladies men are…
“We get it: exercise is the worst.”
For people who are self conscious about going to the gym/getting judged.
I completely appreciate that a low blow is technically defined as blow below belt line (although I know some refs take a more conservative take and count anything below the navel as a low blow)...but this is the problem with low blows in boxing...especially if you are going to argue that it’s a true shot to the nuts…
when you’re betting on a fight you’re covering and then come with some bullshit like the winner cheated, it makes it look like you’re covering your ass. The counter point is that Kovalev had his shorts up high which is a trick to make every midsection punch appear to be a low blow...
A boxer’s beltline is not his nuts. Especially when the guard is pulled up past the navel. Which is why Tony Weeks identified Kovalev’s best line in the instructions. Kovalev was not the fighter many people thought he was; Ward is.
Kovalev must have a very high pair of nuts, located in his lower abdomen.
Ah, yes, Hollow_Log, that famous judge of NBA talent. Continue to weigh in, please; yours are the opinions I really want.
So you’re advocating running over a MI over this? Sliding spikes first into a MI is just as dangerous. Why not just plunk him in the back and move on?
So you think throwing at his head and getting your pitcher bounced is ok? Throwing at a players head is never ok. Shot to the back? Sure. But throwing at his head should bring an even stronger suspension than Rizzo deserves for slamming into the catcher.
Wow it’s 635 am and I’ve already read the stupidest thing I’m gonna read today. Amazing.
Florida is one of those states that you get in and get out. Do not linger. If you came for Disney, go there and then go. Do not wander.
There are some very cool places in the south...just a few that I’ve been to: