
What dumbasses.... Although I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky that they didn’t try to ‘clarify’ the issue by demanding to ‘verify’ she was a girl, if you catch my drift... And lets be honest, it isn’t at all implausible for this story have taken that kind of dark turn.

Speaking of UFC, Mighty Mouse released a helluva statement today regarding his feelings about Dana and the UFC. Worth a read over at mmafighting.

I’m not sure that anyone else in that division can beat Aldo. Holloway justhas the necessary tools: ridiculous stamina, iron chin, and a long enough reach to trade without taking too much damage.

Maybe the shooter was a good guy with a gun, until he wasn’t.

“Aldo’s long winning streak came to an end at UFC 189 with one perfect McGregor counter left.”

Well, that could have been brought to our attention yesterday vs 6 hours after we got dressed today.

Just reading this post encouraged me to make a $500 payment toward my credit card. I did it impulsively and now I feel better, so thanks!

This Hillary was right there during the debates calling Trump a Russian puppet.

Full stop, charter schools and vouchers are bad. My school taxes don’t need to go to Uncle Billy’s Excellent Fun-time Education Experience, the local church school or snooty private academy. I have a perfectly adequate public school district at my child’s disposal that can use the money a lot more.

Vouchers sound good on paper. A family can choose to send their children to a good school. That’s only half of the transaction though. The other half is the school has to accept the student. And so far, the high-end charter schools have made it perfectly clear they do not want minorities, special needs students,

Mr. El-Mekki, in your role as the principal of a charter school, you don’t seem to be the most objective of parties when it comes to gauging the benefit of school vouchers.

Pardon My Take > Any and all “sports” blogs, pods, and sites

Lol this website itself rips off half the shit barstool comes up with. Big Cat and PFT have more humor in one hour of PMT than this website’s entire history and I have been reading this for a long time. Here’s one example of Deadspin tagging onto a funny concept started by PFT

Wow, can’t even study it. Reminds me of when the NRA managed to get the CDC banned from studying gun deaths. Especially discouraging considering all of the bad studies done over the decades prior and bad legislation and decisions that were passed based on that false/misleading information. We should be basing our

Well that is a legitimate reason to freak out. Still, his death was completely unnecessary. That cop should be in jail.

WILL SOMEBODY STOP THE DAMN MATCH! THAT MAN HAS A FAMILY! (and they’re all in the pool with him)

That first suggestion only gets rid of intentional fouling to stop the clock, which is not the real problem when it comes to intentional fouling. On top of failing to do the one thing it set out to do, it was a very dumb idea. 0/10

Jeez, how economically anxious can a guy get ?

Next on the court’s docket, a settlement with alumni for putting up with this shitty team year in and year out.

I live in chigger-country and appreciate being able to go outside my house without being eat up with bug bites. Also: snakes love high grass, so I’d also like to walk in my lawn without fear of stepping on one of those as well. Lastly, I like to actually go outside and do stuff and not have ass-high grass all around