
Two black women on the jury voted not guilty, right?

The suit is stupid, but the complaint is not.

That’s a pretty impressive gif loop.

dont know if that was suppose to be some sort of brag ...“I rode in it”... but NOBODY is impressed. Quite the opposite.

I believe he coined the term!

Um, if it had nothing to do with the city, then why is the T-Rex short for Torontosauras Rex, idiot.

I grew up on 70th and Cregier and have friends and family all through the southside. I still think River North is one of the worst parts of the city. Wrigleyville too. Wicker Park is starting to look real subpar as of late too.

That, and the pack of, “There’s no difference between parties, so it doesn’t matter who’s in charge,” dipshits.

Fine. Jeter wasn’t an elite captain. I guess.

Hold on. Am I going insane, or am I reading a whole page full of people that don’t grasp the concept of “if financial means are tight, cut back on unnecessary expenditures”?

Now playing

Whether you agree with what he’s saying or not, reducing his quote to a sound bite about “avocado toast” and then mocking it is misrepresenting the original statement and missing the point about people having continual patterns of irresponsible spending. He was not talking about the purchase of a single item twice a

You must have never played a day of basketball in your life. That play gets made hundreds of times over the course of a season.

Is he implying that if you want to save money to buy a house, you should look at how you spend your money and cut back on luxuries? Because that’s just ludicrous.

It’s tough to think that in the moment, Pachulia would know exactly where to place his foot to hurt Leonard.

“But Bruce Bowen” is a willfully stupid defense.

Every person I know who has even a passing interest in MMA is EXTREMELY excited for this card. It’s STACKED from top to bottom and there is always something special when a Heavyweight title is on the line.

this is cool.

So0000, we will get unfiltered news?

“they track everything you read and watch and all your Kindle bookmarks, etc. Too creepy”

They use that info to show you other items or content that might interest you. It’s not like they’re stalking you for laughs.

Where I lived in Canada was in the middle of nowhere and I had to drive hours to get to proper stores while Amazon would ship right to my tiny post office a half mile from my house. Didn’t matter if it was tahini or snow boots, printer ink or truck oil, it got it to me. My Prime Membership paid for itself and then