
You are investing your own money in your company’s stock? You don’t understand risk and should not be giving any financial advice.

She SO clearly said “motherfucker.” She has an English accent so it sounds different to American folks. I’m Spanish and to me it definitely does not sound like the n word

She mos def said “muthafuckaaaaaaaaaaaaaas” Folks going out of their way to generate fake ass controversy.

This is fucking horrible.

Consider yourself fortunate. Many people cannot pay their way through life with straight up cash.

If everyone invested in Index funds then it makes sense to go active. Indeed there is more mispricing in the market due to the explosion in Index funds and there are problems with everyone being index. Kinda defeats the entire purpose of capital markets.

“For volunteers they sure seem to get paid a lot.”

Did he also say

You assaulted someone as a teen?

Sounds like Admiral Jazzy Pants is just thinking about himself instead of what’s good for the company.

Sounds wise, on the surface, but really it’s horrible advice in the long run.

The lesson here is not “have kids before you buy a house”, it’s “don’t buy the biggest house you are qualified to buy”. The advice really should be to buy the smallest house you can afford.

I did portfolio management for five years as a profession. When it comes to investing in the market, it’s a sham (unless you’re insanely wealthy). What a finance professional should be helping you with is things like planning proper insurance, helping you calculate necessary savings for you goals, longer term estate

To be fair, he also took an oath to up hold the Constitution against all enemies, foriegn and domestic. At the moment Trump is looking like a ‘bigly’ domestic enemy.

If someone asks you a question — any question — that begins with “Who won the,” your wild-ass guess should never be “North Korea.”

Wait, having a Trump Pinata was the last straw? LMAO. Is this your first time back to the site since the election?

why can’t we just outlaw guns and make this problem obsolete? understand it won’t fix it right away but in a few years... guns? what guns?

They could try doing something other than “set the whole thing on fire and complain that Obama made it so goddamn flammable”.

Please post all “Why is Lifehacker so political these days?!?!” comments on this thread:

Not really a big deal, right? Plenty of organizations exercise practices to disassociate personal opinions from organizational statements.