
Equal pay why? Do they generate equal revenues? If yes, then fine. If no, then you’re a bloody communist.

Allow me to summarize this site the last couple days: Men you are pieces of $h*t and should be ashamed of yourselves for all you don’t do.

When did Lifehacker become Jezebel?

Well, this got weirdly sexist in a hurry. Just like women, men are individuals, not members of their gender. In the same way that it wouldn’t be okay to say “Puerto Ricans, you need to start picking up the slack!”, this isn’t cool. I mean, on a scale of one-to-slavery it’s about a 0.5, but still, prejudice is

the murder rate in the us is 4.5 in 2014 and 4,9 in 2015 according to the fbi you ass. where did you pull that bullshit 7.6 number from.

“That little fake-turnaround-to-behind-the-back-pass move may well have been a double-dribble, but either way I don’t really care. “

Surprised and yet not surprised that Tulsa made the list.
Also, are people in St Louis terrible shots or just tough as nails?

By the way, C is the only letter in YMCA that is not symmetrical, which makes it the trickiest letter of the bunch. Makes you think.

Of course, this doesn’t apply to every situation.

other tips! (tip 1) use a spotter for a boost, or a chair, or jump so that you start at the “top” of the pull up position, hanging with your elbows bent and chin above the bar. Hold as long as you can, then descend slowly. (tip 2) get a spotter to hold you lightly by the waist as you pull up from a straight hanging

You can’t say bomb on an airplane

Alright: day zero, 8.41 second flexed-arm hang. (I also attempted a pull-up, and got about 90% of the way there.)

Call and confirm. If you drove around to 12 different stores and it never occurred to you that you can call ahead and talk to a person who is already IN THE STORE, because they work there, then that’s nobody’s fault but your own.

It wouldn’t be a Haisley article without a factual error.

This reminds me of the argument I hate from large dog owners...

Well once I start trying to bite you to death, feel free to shoot me. I rather like all of my limbs in tact. If that makes me a pussy, so be it, but at least I will still have all of my fingers to flip you off.

Sadly, they already sort of have that freak who comes in and destroys everybody in Jon Jones. He just can’t stay out of his own way.

I’m kind of stuck here, if someone does something horrible in their past, should they be treated like a monster forever. I’m in no way condoning his behavior but is there a way to support the victim, help her heal, and also hope Mixon gets punished then tries his best to atone?

I have a better idea.

Oh! well, I skated around and hit people and strategized and played with a group of really badass women and spent basically a part time job’s worth of hours going to practices and cross-training and volunteering to keep the league running.