“These people have awful names.”
“These people have awful names.”
This means they have room on the card for Marchman to fight that guy that challenged him on Twitter
Or a less responsible way
You guys cut your pizza?
Who wants to choose between having one more large slice of pepperoni-sausage-mushroom or one more large slice of Hawaiian when you can a smaller slice of each? Nobody, that’s who.
Virginia’s defense is based on Dick Bennett’s pack-line defense. Dick Bennett coached at Wisconsin, a Big Ten program. Tony Bennett was an assistant at Wisconsin for both his father and Bo Ryan.
there may be a crisis, but it won’t look like the last one. Banks are much less levered and more restricted in their lines of business than they were before. It will be 20 years or more before we have another serious banking crisis.
-Stannis Baratheon
I am dumb and thought it was all real.
Billy, you should research the team that was used yesterday before writing. Our whole real group of starters are back with their teams in Europe.
“This isn’t pay-for-play, it’s completely different! How dare the media attempt to turn Mr. Trump’s money-for-meetings program into something shady. He’s going to make Mar-a-Lago great again. Screech screech Hillary Clinton!”
- Kellyanne Conway on the news tonight.
i am wondering if US citizens will be able to travel to Mexico for vacations? or wall will prevent airplanes from crossing it.
Also, there is already massive fences along big chunks of the border.
Underrated comment. Even better that Deadspin is butthurt about it. Not sure why I bother here anymore.
Using a popular vote only certainly warms my liberal heart, knowing that it would almost guarantee a permanent majority for generations to come.
Make elections bracketed so that by the final round there’s no third-party candidates and tickets aren’t split.
I was with you until this. Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you
So Casey Affleck apologized and paid restitution to the victims. Also its not like he assaulted them: their allegations were that he was crass toward them. This is hardly on the level of Donald Trump and physically assaulting women.
What did Ben do? Other than be successful, popular, and star in bad movies?
That’s a lot of planets in close proximity to one another.