
He better be careful or they’re going to find him at the bottom of the ocean wearing Kroenkrete shoes.

To be fair, Fisher’s decision wasn’t personal. The Rams have a strict policy against allowing their running backs to go anywhere on the field.

Eli Manning is now demanding a sideline fort of his own.

World Chess just wants the check, mate.

“That Brown fella is pretty good!” - my cousin who only watches football on Thanksgiving

I’m so glad he updated his uniform to Smith Sr, lest we confuse him with his 3 year old toddler.

Uh, what’s the impetus for this attempt at a joke? He is 25, a genius, and makes more than a million dollars a year. Does he make you feel that pathetic?

If Asthma was personified, it’d look like him.

I agree. If anything, his nickname should be “Bleached Asshole.”

Yup. They always think they’re the smartest folks in the room, but they don’t know they’re in the wrong room.

That was such a quick, lighting-like strike. If only there was a German word for it.

Wow, trump really is returning all these jobs that immigrants stole back to americans.

“He was more Peter Stormare than Ryan Gosling”

“His shoes were tied, his pants were free of feces. Good game.”

I would say Rodgers is mailing it in, but apparently no one’s received even a birthday card from him in years.

He’s nice on camera and savage off? Is he actually a polar bear?

Thou shalt eat shit one day.

Take out the ED and it’s just a boner that FLOPZ.