
I dunno, DDL is a smart, scrappy actor who could probably pull it off.....or if they just wanted to go for raw ability, Denzel.

A heart of gold and a prostate of pig parts.

FIFA’s real stance on Garcia’s 430 page report: TL;DR

I volunteer for beardazzling.

“I think I speak for wall of russ when I say John will be missed”

-Andy Reid

Way better than golf bros.


Everyone eats Barry for lunch.

I missed the part where this is convenient for the Blackhawks. They are losing a 20 goal scorer that only cost them a million a year. It seems like it would be a good thing for the Hawks if he kept playing. I understand spreading out the cap hit, but they’re taking that hit either way.

You Delly, bro?

I don’t know shit about boxing, and I have no idea how legit the WBU is, but those gloves are way too fucking tiny to take shitton of blows to the dome.

Is Rick throwing us one of these?

That’s just my Method, Man.

Being a Herb can be a good thing too.

WTF? I’m no lawyer but I didn’t think you could be tried for the same crime twice. Double-jeopardy? Yes?

Rear Admiral for sure. Not because I love butts, but because I always come in last for everything.

My older cousin used to ask if he could pitch and I could catch. Now I wonder what he really meant.

If Dave Chappelle and Tiger Woods had a b....oh never mind.

They already have a bunch of guys that throw 102 and play every position.

He should be worried about getting off the tee box first.