
I feel like the Deadspin hating Harbaugh thing was genuine.....then he just did one awesome thing after another, and earned admiration, and now they just do these tongue-in-cheek stories because they can’t admit they were wrong, but it’s kind of an acknowledgment that they were.

It was Rumeal Robinson!

This! x 100

“Happy 2nd birthday to my favorite little man Jaxxon!”

When people write this, I HAVE TO be the dick and say “Jaxxon has a FB account and can read?”

They are too embarrassed to just say what they’re thinking: “Hey I want to remind everyone that I have a child and I want you to say some nice things about them

Taking some subject that has ZERO racial implications, and saying it does for the sake of clicks or whatever, is as lazy as it gets.

Nobody is saying this. Burneko is just a weak and lazy writer.

It’s spelled prolapse

+1 Clown check

I live in Chicago and I hate the Bears. They should have waited until Romo signed with Denver, then tried to trade a low draft pick for Northwestern boy Tervor Siemian. If you’re going to stink, at least use cheap local talent.

What a half-baked argument!

Federer continues to astonish. He almost became the first man to win a match in two sets, apparently.

Drug use should be encouraged as well

Pictured: The only triangle Phil is good at anymore

I 80 proof read it.

Just don’t talk shit about Crazy Bread.

Assistant AD? He looks as well heeled as an assistant strength coach.