
How is this a confession, really?
It's you making fun of your friends (or at least fb friends) behind their backs.
I don't have a problem with that.
There's a problem with you characterizing it as a "confession," however, because that kind of absolves you of what you're actually doing.

I have no animosity towards those who used their brains, skills or connections in life to become successful.

If every rich person "job creator" died today there'd be some chaos but we'd survive pretty well intact.

You know, normally I'd feel that way but in this case Alcorn's mother's response shows that she still doesn't get it. I think she'll justify her behavior & assign blame elsewhere.

They obviously didn't take the note too seriously if they can't even get it right after her death.

Just love your kids.

No I'm just always perplexed by how the most vehement defenders of of the "have's " rarely have .... Are you waiting for crumbs to fall of the table ?

Why does everyone assume that there's envy towards the super rich? I'm not even talking about your average hotshot banker, but more like your average Fortune 500 C-level executive. It's like it's somehow inconceivable that one might consider such exorbitant greed to be off-putting. I guess this is America, but

Tell that to literally every service (mail, ups, cartography, the list goes on and on and on) that has to set time aside for "Well, if the entrance is on this street, then their address is on that street.... Unless someone paid this little fee then the rules collapse, suns burn out, Eldritch horrors rise up from the

I guess you don't read much.

Hmmm... that's probably one of the dumbest things I've read. Blaming the rich for all those things when the mass population is really to blame for their gas guzzling SUVs and big pickup trucks when they only live in an apartment and really don't do any farming or construction work that really need these big vehicles.

Nobody will empathize with someone who wants to increase their prestige by changing their address to a place where it isn't, because there's nothing to empathize with. At all.

I hope every one of those people find their future self-driving cars always take them to the wrong side of the building.

That is simplistic, friend. It also gives people who have never SHARED a common thought, due to location, culture or general lonliness, a chance to connect.

I think we can all agree that any "senior content strategist" should get fucked.

Ah yes what a "turd" that guy is, having multiple degrees and a varied and cosmopolitan life experience. Why cant he just robotically work the same job day in day out until hes 65 and then go jump off a building like they do in Japan?

The only thing I humble brag about is the amazing dinner I made from scratch without a recipe. Envy my life, people.

When people post about their kids I usually just delete them from my friends list altogether :)