
Precisely because you can track down your cheating-ass hooker boyfriend using the very same app he's using to hookup is WHY this feature exists. I had a dinner party a couple of years ago where we were all looking at a Grindr-like site because a couple of guests didn't know what it was and it seemed like a perfect

I cannot be the only person that reads every article and every comment as if it were a piece of hyperbolic, slanted garbage-fiction? This is entertainment in it's purest form, visceral and interactive. It is mental recess. If I wanted to read essays and comments by assholes that refer self importantly to their work

Totally miss the Big Gay Sketch Comedy, SNL does NOT use her to her full capacity.

I'm just trying to get over the use of stripper and elegant in this "think piece"


Even rural folks use more than just skin color to identify people. They might mistake him for Mexican, Einstein, but not black.

It's not too late for a cage match.

He speaks for the persecuted Christians. With this war on Christmas and everything, something has to be done.

He's also not black, anymore than a dark skinned Latino is black.

Actually not. Some blacks changed their names in order to appear Middle Eastern or Indian in order to bipass Jim Crow. It worked.

The woman is totally crazeballs, but everyone does realize that cafe is just the Romance language version of coffee, right? and Latte just means milk, right?

It definitely does not smell like cat urine. NOT at all. Not a bit.

TSMH the boards is yours.

I have never heard of such a thing (shrug)

I LOOOVE that show! Love it!

NPH had a very Love Boat / Fantasy Island guest star quality about it. This show is so much about nostalgia, as much as it is about horror and gore.

The continuity of the story is definitely secondary to the artistic direction and acting. As a paean to horror films, cheesy and otherwise this show really hits the high notes and the low notes.

I also really appreciated this season more than the others. There have been elements of all the seasons I liked and elements that I just thought, WTF are they doing? The strength of the show is the characters. Sister Jude, Dandy Mott, Elsa Mars, Myrtle Snow, Desiree Dupree, Madame Delphine, Marie Laveau, the Angel

They may have just been laying pipe to tie the seasons together and prep for s5