
What in god's green earth is a douche chill? I can't stop laughing!

Yes, because more fat cops with breathing problems and terrible weed acne is what this country needs.

I should also mention I am not a gamer, don't own a console and was completely unaffected by the outage.

Customer Service Reps have been screamed at, yelled at, and abused for centuries as have shady salesmen that don't deliver what they promise. Blame Sony for not paying their reps enough, offering them support, providing them with better tools and training them to upsell. Why let the high paid execs and shareholders

Replace the word woman with black or Jewish. That's the real test. Lots of people have lots of views religious or otherwise, some of them medieval. Somewhere though around 1968 we all agreed that in the public sphere you're required to act like a civilized human being. Do whatever the hell snake handling crazy

You mean, like his brain or whatever?

Christian parents, this is why the world sees so many of you as monsters. For all the Christian parents out there that aren't monsters, start some outreach, start preaching tolerance and set up some programs to help parents who don't have the life skills to be human beings. Pastors get out there. This is a failing

Besides everything?

Very thoughtful response, I was half being irreverent, but also very intrigued by your initial comment. Thanks

What if you're doing it just to make money? If you're using sex or your body to get yourself to another country, or say to get food from your captor? Or make money so your pimp will buy you nice things, does that make one a feminist? She's selling her sexuality to make herself more comfortable? Does that mean only