I personally believe that U.S. Americans.
I personally believe that U.S. Americans.
I more mean political as in partisan. It’s not like a preference or ideology. It’s American civil rights.
Maybe so. Also not trying to be snarky but it’s/its.
Being opposed to legalized murder isn’t a political issue.
Holy fuck, Jezebel writers. For the love of god please learn the difference between it’s and its.
Maybe if you want to keep your matters private, don’t post them on the public interwebs?
Here’s the thing, I can understand the idea that “you’re at work; there’s no time,” or even, “you shouldn’t get more breaks than others.” But the truth is no one is putting the exact same hours/minutes/seconds every day. The smokers at my office walk past my doorway ALL DAMN DAY long to go out to take their smoke…
Same for reporting. About 65+% of the time I submitted a story for print, it wound up with a BS edit that made no sense and left me wanting to punch myself in the face.
I believe there are many Bernie voters out there who want to see Trump elected and everything go to hell so they can be like, “See!? It should have been Bernie!”
Can anyone point me to a legit source of info about the leaked emails? The only articles I’ve seen were from Bernie voters from questionable URLs.
Feel-the-Berners are going to elect Trump this November. Just you wait.
I’ve been to one of these before; it’s just a gimmick to attract tourists for the photo-op, like a Planet Hollywood.
Mental/emotional instability and volatile romantic relationships are a sad, destructive, and potentially dangerous mix. I imagine adding substance abuse to the scenario makes it all exponentially worse. This isn’t funny, it’s just sad.
I was once asked to come back in to take an IQ test a second time for a pseudo-shitty outside sales job. The manager later explained that they thought my score was a fluke since it was the highest they’d had on record and wasn’t within their target range. I convinced them to hire me anyway, then wound up leaving about…
No no no no. My father was an alcoholic who was emotionally and verbally abusive to my mother. That is not an excuse for me or any of my siblings to be shitty. We each get to decide to be decent or not.
Looks to me like it fits?
SAHMs are the most miserable people I’ve known. They’re the ones posting endless self-help quotes on Facebook all day long. Pass.
I am worried my fiance wouldn’t be able to pay the household bills....without my much higher income.