And out of curiosity, what do you rock out to
And out of curiosity, what do you rock out to
I love all the hate video games get, while 90% of the rest of the population is watching TV or browsing their phones with most of their downtime.
I had to double-check the date to make sure this wasn’t April 1. It’s been April 1 for more than 3 years.
Also, the weird Holly Hobby guy founded and funded it, and in late 2018 admitted the Scrolls were fake. Or admitted that there was a suspicion that they were (meaning all the sane people knew they were.) A quick walk up from the Smithsonian. Did he not think someone from there might wander over and take a look?
There is a documentary that ran last year on either the Smithsonian or National Geographic channel that called attention to the fact that most of the known forged Dead Sea fragments suspiciously were of the very few passages that involved homosexuality; like, why were so many “newly found” fragments all about such a mi…
No, the media were initially reporting that it is worse than the flu because it spreads without symptoms, but according to all the actual scientific research so far, there isn't much evidence to support this besides anecdotal reports of people getting it when they don't remember coming into contact with a person…
I have a coworker who keeps talking about the great memes he sees about this topic. Most recently – as if this were an intelligent observation – he was describing this meme where “coronavirus” was being held in an interrogation room and questioned with a bag over its head – and then when the detective finally takes…
Welp for everyone who said that Trump getting elected would be the end of the world, nailed it.
You know who I want in charge of finding a vaccine? The person that believes they cause autism.
They’re not dead... yet.
“ If a lot of people die from one common thing, it’s OK if a lot of other people die of something else?” - exactly - this. I’ve had it with people minimizing it with no real information, using the (supposed, but really unknown) death rate compared with flu (saying,”you know, the death rate from flu is blah blah blah,…
Wait... what brand beer?
I got a corona shot instead, but even in less than full bottle size drinks, it still tastes awful.
The thing that drives me crazy is that it’s not like we are getting this *instead* of the flu, but *with* the flu.
One other difference: A simple, inexpensive widely available vaccine.
Slight correction: you may compare it to the flu, but only the 1918 pandemic, and only if you know what Philadelphia’s morbidity and mortality rates were in 1918.
Barack said elections have consequences, but hey Hillary & Trump were the same thing. Right Susan?
Is a youth “incorrigible” if he likes beer?
I’ll bet almost anything that judges will disproportionately consider Black offenders to be “incorrigible”.