
I prefer vegans. You know they are relatively clean and zoonotic disease free. My dog prefers rich people, due to the higher fat content. I only let him eat the choicest bits and give the rest to the raccoons. Figure the more we use, the more earth we save. Millennials are tasty too. They are young and have poor

I’ll give you an example, and try to keep it brief. We have two offices in our region. Once a month there is a regional meeting, which is physically held in the other office, because they’re a bit larger than us. Our office used to video conference in and “attend” the meeting every month. It’s two-way audio/video, so

So, where do you start? One child policies? Eugenics programs? Forced sterilization? Removing economic incentives for children? Mass cullings?

I see that you’re using hyperbole to deflect. Obviously there is some hard upper limit to sustainable population. But we’re not there yet, despite prior predictions, and it’s not clear where that limit would actually be.

there have been historical predictions that say the earth can’t support X number of people, and then we blow by that without blinking. The balance would be at what point can we no longer produce enough food to feed everyone. And we’re nowhere near that point yet.

Just because less oil is being consumed doesn’t mean production costs magically go away — if anything they’ll go up per-unit of production, because equipment is sitting idle but still costs the same amount of money to own and maintain.

“no identifiable reason”

A lot of managers and executives are hugely steeped in presenteeism. If you have one of these managers, and you should unfortunately catch coronavirus, be sure to spread it to them. No reason they should be sparred for insisting everyone being there.

Birth rates for all developed nations are in steep decline including the USA. It seems to be a trend that is always followed there is no exception to the rule even China is in the same predicament.

Part of the problem is that it’s hard to tell if someone’s got it and is contagious.

And yet, the oil companies will figure out to spin it and come up with an excuse to raise the price of gasoline.

I’ll believe this when gas prices actually go down, seems like it should but it'll somehow increase a quarter because of, uh, reasons

The WHO says it’s 3.4%. Which is roughly 34 times worse than the flu, which clocks in at .1%. That said, it’s too early to tell the ultimate outcome. If countries keep it relatively under control that number will likely drop, but it will take work.

the corona virus is no more deadly than the regular flu

You are just wrong, don’t spread bad information if you do not know. The mortality rate is 3.4% more than 3 times the regular flu mortality rate (often way less than 1%).

It’s . . . 100x more deadly. 

So is brisket if you cook it wrong. 

we have no idea what an upper limit to possible population is, nor do we have any real benchmark to judge it off of.

No, overconsumption. Sure, one human being could pollute all they want, but that still wouldn’t make it ok.