If I start giving them back this escape balloon will never get off the ground.
If I start giving them back this escape balloon will never get off the ground.
Thankfully, since it cost that guy in Florida 3 grand to get tested, half the US will die without even knowing what killed them. This is the biggest test of the for-profit US healthcare system, and it has already failed. How many are infected, but will never know because it cost too much o get tested.
Warm weather does not appear to be stopping it in places like Hong Kong and Malaysia where it is always warm. Wash.Your. Hands.
It might not be seasonal — there was an article in Forbes where they talked about how it might be fecal-oral transmission and not sneezing/coughing. This explains how the people on the ship got infected even though they were separated and how people are testing negative on an oral test but come back later when their…
You are ignorant and proud of your ignorance. A bad combination, but you may have a future with the Trump administration.
Question from the peanut group: How likely is this to go the way of the Spanish Flu....mainly light in the spring and back with a big assed vengence in the fall?
It’s almost certainly because older Chinese men smoke at far higher rates than women, and therefore have much worse lung health.
Letting people talk isn’t that hard. Sure, you may hear someone droning on and repeating themselves, you may hear something you don’t like, but it’s so much easier to let them have their say, and if you’re willing to go even farther and listen, you might discover a way to solve a problem or two.
Amateur. I’m hoarding Iron lungs.
Yeah, but if the poors spend less time worrying about what they’ll do when they’re really sick, they just might spend more time thinking about truly scary things like equitable wealth distribution.
if we’re actually living in a simulation, someone needs to figure out how to turn off the game of plague, inc that someone fired up on the server.
The REAL vaccine is the friends we made along the way.
He is getting Mexico to pay for it too! He is best at the art of deals
Americans have all those pre-existing medical conditions in spades. Decades of government deregulation and a non-centralized health system has seen to that.
Some fools are hoarding masks. Me? I’ve been hoarding lungs.
Sure, but the real cure will be a massive fiscal stimulus package and maximum interest rate cuts to keep the stock market afloat through November!
The cop just wanted to see "if she needed help".
“he felt comfortable around black people because he grew up on a dairy farm where his family employed four black families.”
I really hate the “I’m sorry you were offended because you took my comments the wrong way” bullshit. If someone is offended by what you said, then you either didn’t elaborate enough to make them unoffensive, or you just said something shitty.
And do teach the boys how to shave. Even if they then decide a beard is good they need to be taught by a responsible adult before they cut themselves to pieces.